
  1. Lancer55

    High mg/ml gear

    So I used to use Snake and Dyel for Test-U and Test-D as well as their EQ. Snake is done and Dyel has discontinued the high mg/ml. Does anyone know where I can get high mg/ml Test and EQ these days? Am I allowed to ask? If not mods feel free to delete.
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Pair Keto With Intermittent Fasting?

    by Dr. Joshua Axe, D.N.M., D.C., C.N.S. Perhaps the two hottest diet trends on the face of the planet right now are keto and intermittent fasting. But should you be doing the two of them together? In a word, yes. Here’s your guide to combining the powers of a ketogenic diet and intermittent...
  3. MattyIce

    Shout out to Mick

    Not to go into details, the guy is a good bro. Next year Falcons don't choke! If you see him on the street, immediately give him a hanjob and tell him it's from Mattyice. : )
  4. LittleTom


    Lately I have been getting a very bad burning sensation when I pin certain areas of my right and sometimes my left quad. A little back story, I use my quads more often then any other area and have no issues putting 3ccs in there. I have been using them the past three years consistently along...
  5. F.I.S.T.


    Just had to buy my one son a new gaming desktop and I have no idea about these things but went with one that he said was a good one.Price wasnt good for me though. Just wanted to see what you think of it? Anyone else with knowledge in these things please feel free to chime in. Its an IBuypower...
  6. tkasch30

    cruise with aas on trt

    does anyone here run a mild injectable all the time with your test? like lower doses of mast, primo, maybe deca. has anyone done this and still had good bloodwork
  7. TSizemore

    State Laws Concerning Insulin and/or Syringes

    Since I've seen the question a couple of times or something similar to it, I've decided to post this again. State Insulin Syringes Notes see note 1 Alabama No No Alaska Yes Yes Some pharmacies may sell either without an RX...
  8. RockShawn

    Different perspective on Gun Control

    Not often you hear this perspective. Thought this video was note worthy. Feel free to discuss :)
  9. E

    Bulgarians who though they were smuggling steroids get death sentence in Malaysia.

    Bulgarians who though they were smuggling steroids get death sentence in Malaysia. Source: Bulgarians who though they were smuggling steroids get death sentence in Malaysia.