
  1. Dago

    3 weeks in be 40 in may

    Not bad for an old fart. I'm 3 weeks in on test/eq/winny. I can't wait til the eq kicks in!!
  2. LittleTom

    Stealing a Thread..... Coward

    Who steals someone's thread.... FIST does. I know you can't post anything original so you steal mine..... Pretty weak..... Hope this is PG enough for who ever deleated my other thread. Can't believe this is tolerated....
  3. J

    New members

    Hello my fellow fuck heads . Theres one thing I wanted to bring up and address. Couple times I've invited people here and I've gotten pms from them asking whats up . Members here decide on there own they'll take matters into their own hands and start asking questions. Who gave you the...
  4. B

    I'm doing everything right but getting NO gains

    I'd like to touch on a sensitive subject for many guys...the fact that some are taking thousands of dollars in gear/working their ass off in gym/eating eating eating...BUT not getting any gains. Their are guys here with WAY more knowledge than me, I'm not gonna pretend I have the answers for...
  5. GoPro

    How Do You Save???

    Hey brothers. I started a thread like this on the last forum i was on before i made this my home. I thought it was a good idea to restart it over here for us all to share ideas in. This thread is about how to save on food and get it cheap. Because we all know just how expensive this game can get...
  6. Torres

    Merry Christmas !!! Watch this !!!
  7. TSizemore

    Daily Devotional....Fitness and Faith

    Todays Devotional : It's a decent resource guys. Generally has good information for uplifting and motivating you. If it's not your thing, no big deal. Disregard the thread and move on. Today's post doesn't have anything to do with Physical...


    This thread is to show off what you've conquered or just proud to be with!!! I will start off with a few that I have rolling around in my phone. Women are beautiful lets show em off!! [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. G

    Rectal delivery of test without ester thread

    Came across this thread and thought would share. For more kicks and jokes from idiots, simply click new post on that forum! ;D
  10. Z82


    Got to have some laughs. Post up what you got......ill start! [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. sportsfreak

    From Gators Thread

    Not to hijack his thread, but how are you doing grim? Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  12. TSizemore

    Nothing Thread

    We've got a thread like this on other boards, mainly a catch all thread. If you don't have a place to put it, then it belongs here! Like this picture of a bumper sticker that was found on the back of Wabbits car..... [attachment deleted by admin]