
  1. 01dragonslayer

    TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4) Peptide Research

    TB-500 also known as Thymosin Beta 4 is a naturally occurring peptide. It is found in high concentrations in blood platelets, wound fluid and other tissues in the body. TB-500 is not a growth factor; rather, it is a major actin regulating peptide. TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) has been found to play...
  2. Musclemechanic76

    Trenabolone what it does!!!

    I haven't had tren cough a whole lot of times! But I have this round and realized I have a couple times per run!!! But luckily only a couple per run!! The way I always had it was immediately after pinning not even enough time to put on pants a BURN in chest and back if throat. This causes...