
  1. stonetag


    I've been looking into an alternative pre-workout, that alternative would be tne. I just can't rap my head around every time it seems that it is mentioned there is "smell" involved. I have heard good things about it as a pre-workout I just don't know what the smell thing is all about? It might...
  2. krustus

    TNE year round? even when cruisin? or just when blasting

    alright... do you guys use TNE even while cruisin or only during blast?
  3. krustus

    pre workout injections TNE, TNE/dbol, mtren/tbol...etc

    i think i may be allergic to guiacol or EO or both.. i'm gonna give TNE another shot but are all these preworkout injections made with EO and guiacol? is injectable tbol made in EO and guiacol? i liked the workouts after taking the tNE but my body didn't like the injection
  4. krustus

    tne... hmmm i don't know

    ok ..i've done 2 doses of TNE... first one i shot in my thigh with a slin pin and didn't go deep enough and it hurts pretty good 2 days later... the next i did with mt regular needles and it's much better, but still a little sore. is this the norm for TNE? is my bod not liking the guiacol...
  5. 4everstrong


    Got a free vial of TNE with my order from Erik. I have never tried TNE before. What is it like? Does it really help with your workouts? And does it kick in 2 hours after you inject it? Or do you have to wait like 2 weeks to get the real feeling of TNE?
  6. krustus

    TNE in guiacol... slin pins , sub q, im...???

    you guys that do TNE... i'm gonna give it a shot... i need tips 1. how long before should i do it 2. is it thin enough for a slin pin.. 3. sub or IM? and where do you inject... thigh. butt..etc... 4. use it every workout?
  7. flyingfox

    What are your thoughts

    On running TNE off cycle? This is something I was thinking about, if you were to take it pre workout only for a boost. Would it shut you down? Is there any advantage other than increased intensity? How soon would your HPTA kick back in? Is this a stupid idea???
  8. flyingfox

    Brewing TNE

    I wanna brew up some TNE and perhaps toss a little Dbol and/or Anadrol in for good measure. I have never done this so I need someone to point me in the right direction. I have no problem using guaicial< spelling in fact I love the smell. Anyone have a recipe?
  9. lith56bigguy

    TNE blow job

    Had to share this with you guys. I don't really see anything special with TNE, maybe the compound works for some however, I have experienced that weird taste and smell. Anyway, the ole lady knows what it is cause she's pinned me. Last night she was sucking my cock went down to...
  10. A

    which is stronger pre-workout? tne or tren base?

    tne makes me strong as kingkong, but I've never tried tren base