
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Is Responsibility Debt Ruining Your Progress?

    By Aadam | Last Updated: July 23rd, 2020 Yesterday I woke up to the fact that I’d run out of coffee. And as I sullenly trudged to the store at 6 am in the goddamn cold to pick up more, I berated myself because I knew this was going to happen. You see, the day before I walked past the grocery...
  2. Torres

    Amino Pump Blend

    I ordered some Injectable Aminos, it has : L-Arginine 100mg L-Ornithine 100mg L-Citrulline 100mg L-Lysine 100mg L-Glycine 50mg It should be good to try this out and see if it gives me a Good Pump and Good Focus. What do you guys think ?
  3. Bama

    No time but now

    Good morning EG!!!! Whatever you have in front of you today, give it your best!!!! Yesterday is over, tomorrow hasnt got here, the only time we have is now. Lets try our best today to live in the NOW. Have a great day and enjoy the little things in life.
  4. millenium girl

    My new toy

    I ordered a treadmill. It will be delivered tomorrow. Can't wait. I'm addicted to cardio, the more I do the better I feel. I also ordered dumbells to do some strenghtening exercises. I'm not trying to achieve anything anymore. My goal is to stay healthy. I will post pics tomorrow (maybe).
  5. blasson


    Does anyone have any letro pills or asin pills they can part with? I had liquid letro and I dropped the dam bottle in bathroom and spilt it everywhere. Pretty much only recovered what's left in the bottle which is maybe .5ml I don't have shit to trade for as everything i have is what i use...
  6. TSizemore

    Family makes it all worth it......

    So, I get to my son and daughter in laws house in Virginia, and I get a call that my dad is in the ICU with kidney failure :( . Little pissed about it because I let my brother's wife talk me out of going down there to see him. Then, I'm loading up the truck ready to head home and I find out...
  7. V

    Shoulder Doc Tomorrow

    Like it says goin to a shoulder specialist tomorrow. Been putting it off for too long now and my shoulders are hating me for it. Don't know what the problem is but they both hurt. I'm afraid he's goin to tell me to stop lifting for a while. Wtf am I supposed to do then? Will update after appt...

    Achilles tendon

    I cant seem to fucking get a break man... So yesterday I went to do a 5 mile run.. about 4 steps into it I feel and hear this POP... Finished the run look down my ankle is bruising and swollen.. I think ehh whatever.. CM.. So then later that afternoon I could not even fucking stand on the...