
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Traveling While Bodybuilding: Keys to Managing Jet Lag

    If you’re a national-level (or even amateur) bodybuilder, chances are you’ve had to fly across several time zones to compete in a contest. Sadly, this can totally throw off your body’s natural sleep-wake cycles and disrupt your routine. (Or worse yet, ruin your peak week.) The good news is there...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Tips to Keep on Track with Your Diet and Training While Traveling

    For better or for worse, life can get pretty chaotic at times, especially if you travel a lot for work (or leisure). The stress of not knowing where to train or where your next meal is coming from regularly causes avid gym-goers to disregard their health goals when they?re away from home. After...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Easy Tips to Stick to Your Diet While Traveling

    Hitting the road towards a spring break destination? Read up on these 10 tips on successful dieting while traveling first and stay on track with your goals! If you travel a lot, you know how hard it can be to stick to your diet. Many restaurants have foods that are low in protein and high in fat...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Strategies I’m Using to Stay Fit While Traveling

    Strategies I’m Using to Stay Fit While Traveling written by JAMES CLEAR STRENGTH TRAINING Ibelieve that we are meant to live physical lives, which is why I love training, weightlifting, and athletic competition. But, I also believe that we are meant to explore the world around us, which is why I...
  5. puff88

    Traveling with gear

    I've always wondered how the pros do all their international travel for shows and competitions with all of their gear. There is no way that the top dudes a week out from a show are traveling away for days or more without a nice supply of product. How do they/you all handle traveling when on...
  6. millenium girl

    Other sports/hobbies

    You are all addicted to bodybuilding obviously but do you have other activities/hobbies?