
  1. EG News

    The Best Protein Bar You’ve Ever Tried Is Being Unveiled at the 2023 Olympia

    Anyone who’s ever been to a fitness expo knows that there are a lot of protein bars being handed out and sampled – and many of them taste more or less the same. But today, Olympia Expo attendees are going to be introduced to a brand-new bar that does NOT taste like all the others: Frank Sepe’s...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    What Are Steroids? l The term "steroids" refers to a class of hormones with a classic poly-phenol ring structure. There are two types of steroids and they are often confused: Anabolic and Catabolic. These two steroids serve different medical purposes. l Catabolic Steroids (Glucocorticoids) A...
  3. E

    Ways to prevent, treat skin irritations after contact with poisonous plants

    Ways to prevent, treat skin irritations after contact with poisonous plants Poisonous plants cause the most common allergic reactions to the skin, affecting as many as 50 million Americans each year, according to the American Skin Association. University of Alabama at Birmingham associate...
  4. E

    Probiotic supplements may help treat post-menopausal osteoporosis

    Probiotic supplements may help treat post-menopausal osteoporosis Probiotic supplements protected female mice from the loss of bone density that occurs after having their ovaries removed, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine and Georgia State University have shown. Source...
  5. E

    OSU researchers develop new approach to treat eczema

    OSU researchers develop new approach to treat eczema Pharmaceutical researchers at Oregon State University have developed a new approach to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin disorders that would use individual tests and advanced science to create personalized treatments based on each...
  6. E

    Study could offer new way to treat, prevent diabetes-associated blindness

    Study could offer new way to treat, prevent diabetes-associated blindness Reporting on their study with lab-grown human cells, researchers at The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland say that blocking a second blood vessel growth protein, along with one that is already...