
  1. 01dragonslayer

    4 Dumbbell Exercises for Tricep Strength

    Got a goal to destroy that bench press PR of yours? Some tricep accessory work will help and these 4 dumbbell tricep exercises are a good place to start! If you have ever missed a bench, the number one limiting factor that I’ve found is tricep strength. I know others will argue about lat...
  2. halfnatty

    Not sure if tricep or rotater cuff

    But having shoulder issues and tricep issue so I heard that you have a tricep strain but still be able to work it out but when I touch it it fucking is super sensitive but if I work it out I don’t feel pain which is weird but I can’t lift my arm over my head a certain way but I feel the...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    4 Dumbbell Exercises for Tricep Strength

    If you have ever missed a bench, the number one limiting factor that I’ve found is tricep strength. I know others will argue about lat strength, shoulder strength and so on, but tricep strength – or the lack thereof – has always stood out to me as the biggest limiting factor, especially when it...
  4. pooh6369

    Well time for surgery

    Late 2019 doing a heavy pull my c6 compressed on my c7. Causing radial nerve damage, tricep atrophied loss most of my strength and size on that arm. After doing rehabilitation and going to chiropractor sessions to decompress c6-c7. Nothing worked work outs are depressing losing motivation...
  5. H8potion

    Tricep surgery

    So about 6 weeks ago, while doing floor presses, I felt a sharp pain and a pop on my left elbow. Had an MRI a few days later. Ortho found that my tricep tendon is torn at the insertion more than 80%. It’s been 6 weeks and the elbow still hurts whenever I try to extend my arm with force or push...
  6. EG News

    Lying tri vs. incline tri

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Lying triceps extensions are a great mass builder, as they hit the long head of the triceps and allow you to use fairly heavy weight. PROSECUTION Incline lying triceps extensions increase the focus on the triceps long head more than the standard version does...
  7. Titan88

    Need help from the brothers of iron!

    Need help building my triceps!!! I feel like my tricep workouts have gone stale.. I do mix them up all the time. I try new shit and old shit and they never seem to grow.. I've been training them once a week. Usually dedicate just one workout to each body part. Anyone got some good workouts to...