
  1. Tyson13

    TRT and Primo

    What's up, EG?!! I have two things here. I have decided to start thinking about longevity. My doctor prescribed me 100 mg/ml of Test C for long-term TRT. We are going to play around until my test levels hover at 1,000 ng/dl. I also want to take Primo on the side for a maintenance dose. I have...
  2. B

    50 + steriod routine

    I haven't taken anything other than HGH the past few years to stay lean and in shape. I am looking for a cycle routine that will add lean muscle. Is Test. The best and only thing to take? I'd appreciate some advice on a routine. I'm in excellent health and workout 5 days a week.
  3. krustus

    Feel like i've got my trt right finally... we'll see

    i have been on trt... various ridiculous protocols from local docs.. one had me doing 300mg of test cyp every 2 weeks... the best had me at 125mg a week of test cyp.. but neither seemed to care at all about estrogen ... so i just decided to do my own way.. been using test u and test d ...
  4. GRIM

    infertility after trt

  5. Y

    TRT help please

    My dad is 56 and has low T level. He has no insurance to cover TRT. He's not to active and says he just want to feel better. My question is if I get him some Test. Which would be the best for him and what kind of dosage? Thanks in advance
  6. V

    Proper TRT Protocols

    So after trying a PCT last month that I felt wasn't going well I've decided to simply do a TRT protocol until I decide to blast. I know a lot of guys do 250mg a week. Then I've also seen 100-150mg every week. I've been doing 250mg every 10days. What do y'all do and also how about any anti...
  7. flyingfox

    I have the testosterone level of a 90 year old man....

    That's what the Doc told me today, so years of using AAS has definitely taken its toll on me. My test level came back at 179, that was without trying to intentionally crash it. I have been off a little over two months now. Just something for the younger guys to think about...I don't preach but I...
  8. S

    TRT Bloodwork

    Being getting TRT since May and I get my Bloodwork done every 3 last lab results showed that my free range test was 540 and my bound was between 90 and 100...I wanted to start using tren ace and wanted to know how if at all would this affect my test levels on my next panel