
  1. 01dragonslayer


    WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? There are people who never take action yet seem to always be looking for the best way to accomplish their goal. They want everything to be tested out (by other people) and then they want to compare those results to other results, and then they want an analysis done by a...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    By: Matt Weik Protein powder is one of the most consumed and purchased supplements on the market today. People are buying them as a 2lb tub all the way up to a 10lb bag and everything in between. The question becomes, “What protein powder is actually right for you?” In order to answer that...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    You might be sabotaging your progress without even knowing it. Avoid these foods and stay on the right track to obtaining the ultimate beach body. Spring time is here and the summer is fast approaching. Soon it will be time for the masses to ditch their shirts and soak in the sun on the beach...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    The secret to getting shredded is to reduce total calories and cut added sugars while keeping the total volume of food that you consume relatively the same. You accomplish this by eating whole fruits and vegetables and lean, quality proteins. Aside from the obvious junk foods that sabotage your...
  5. J


    I have never used hcg but was told I should take it if I’m trying to have a kid. How much should I use. I run test year round.
  6. EG News

    How Michael Phelps Stays in Shape These Days

    At 35 years of age, and having won more medals than anyone else in his illustrious Olympic career, you could be forgiven for thinking that family life has slowed down Michael Phelps. Instead, working out at home has created a new wave of positive fitness gains. Now a happily married father of...
  7. Thunderbolt

    Dealing with pshycopaths and hating gay family members

    Do any other pro level bros have theese issues with their family or crazy bitches trying to ruin your im some serious psycopathic bitch issues
  8. GoPro

    HcG for Fertility.

    So have basically zero experience with HcG. I am wanting info on what dose to take for Fertility. I am currently on TRT dose of Test. Test Cyp 200mgs x 2 monthly. Also currently on 30mgs Sdrol a day also. I did do a search on HcG a d didnt find what I wanted exactly. Mostly stuff on PCTs...
  9. Thor

    Photo of Second Surgery

    As everyone knows the first Dr screwed my arm up and left a mess, shit load of scar tissue to clean out and had to have a replacement tendon added (Achilles). Here is a picture 5 days after surgery, Dr had to cut over the old incision and then up onto my upper arm so he could get to the...
  10. Dago


    Man I talk about things on here maybe I shouldn't. But I know a lot of guys gals ride w clubs and there is nothing wrong w that. If anything I said here disrespected or maybe I got in your land your crowd people whatever I apologize. I been in trouble all my life into it with everyone and...
  11. Eman

    Just when I thought I heard it all

    Saw this post on SF thought it was great! Had to share! Help! I mistakenly injected 3,000 mg of sust my 1st week... This is what I get for being a dumbass and not knowing my math. I bought 5 vials of Sust 300, the bottle said 300mg/ml. I was even trying to do an online conversion and trying...
  12. 49ER


    Ok so this is a first my pack i was waiting on never showed finally checked tracking and it was delivered several days ago! Wich means po put it in wrong box. I went to tslk to po they had a pic of package and said it was delivered. They said tjey would have a manager contact me this week i dont...
  13. Spartacus LTD

    This what i ask

    I know im new here. I am happy to be here! I was one for a day and now accusations have destroyed my tiny rep i started to gain. I know as everyone says im new no reviews, IM trying to do that.. Im offering free shit to get reviews. What scammer does that? Yes my prices are low, But to get...
  14. TSizemore

    On the Move.............

    Well guys, I guess some of you may have noticed I've been a little sporadic lately. Turns out, I've been busier then a sardine in a shark tank trying to get things handled, started, finished, and lined up. I've been offered a job in central NC and decided to take it. Gonna move my son, daughter...
  15. Bigdog6693

    Tying to send two packs out

    Well was going to send two packs out to two guys on this board won't mention no names, and there ignoring me now after giving me such hell for not sending them. So wat should I do eg family since they r ignoring me? Do I go ahead and send the packs or do I just keep them? I need an address from...
  16. RockShawn

    WTF happened to Rock

    Guys, I'm very sorry I have been so absent on the site. Things have been very hectic for me lately and It has been hard to get on the site. This is my Busiest time of year work-wise and My head is constantly spinning with all that is going on there. My son's baseball team, which I manage, is...
  17. blasson

    Highest Blast You've Ran?

    Trying to get a little discussion going on for the contest grim posted. What is your highest mg wise stack/cycle/blast you've ever ran? Im not the highest blaster but am curious to see what others run on occassion. Mine is: 700mg tren a 700mg test p 700mg mast 300mg deca (was running this...
  18. A

    Starting a cycle, and I have some questions

    I made this post the other day, but I either didn't post it right or couldn't find it after I posted it due to all the other topics. Here is my issue... I weigh around 255 5'10 Don't know my BMI, but can assume it's not great. I started hitting the gym hard last October, before then, I had...
  19. A

    Digital var

    Not trying to start a thread slamming Digital, just wondering if the var from him was legit. never had var before, so didn't have any experience to compare it too the strength was great, ran with test 300 1cc/wk, and eq300 1cc/wk but on the down side, felt amped out and really bothered the...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Stay Away From Negative People

    Stay Away From Negative People By Jonas Forsberg No, I am not going to talk about “small people” in reference to their size. This article is about something completely different! Mark Twain once wrote “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but...