
  1. jolter604

    What's you best cycle

    How is going EG hope everyone is good. I been looking around at some logs but I know some of you are on cycles and not logging. If you got some time add some input please . Alright so I just finished a basic Test c 500 Npp 300 Master p 300 Aromasin .5 e3d Some 30 mg pre workout anavar first...
  2. jolter604

    Trt life

    I will start one of these here I have been on trt sense I was 41 and I have always just done it myself sense Kaiser rejected my request at 400ng . Now I am 45 and going about 4-5 months on trt and then 2-3 cycle then 4-5 trt and so forth. I get blood work every 6 months and just hope for the...
  3. jolter604

    GIF sexy time

    Look at the ladies boasting there cute little self's. It's like 3d art.... Olympiasolutions1@tutanota.com Olympiasolutions@protonmail.com
  4. jolter604

    It's Friday

    Another week done and bbq up some chicken and ate some grub. I used so left over Birria sauce over it when it was done. Feels good to sit down and relax and not turn on the TV. Olympiasolutions1@tutanota.com Olympiasolutions@protonmail.com
  5. TSizemore

    Proton mail issues

    Just a heads up people... I've been experiencing some issues sending to Proton mail accounts. It appears to be on their end, and I've received at least one current report of suspicious activity on the Proton mail service. Monitor your emails, verify the recipients and senders.... Especially if...