
  1. EG News

    The Unilateral Row With Rotation Will Help Spice Up Your Dumbbell Row

    A popular and true saying has been floating around the weight room for a while: You got to row to grow. It doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal, and it doesn’t matter what equipment you use. You must train your posterior delts, upper back, and lats hard and heavy as your wings depend...
  2. EG News

    This 1-Dumbbell Workout Will Get You Pumped When you’re in a Pinch

    Imagine this scenario: You are all set for your Monday workout, eagerly anticipating it since the weekend. The pre-workout went down smoothly, and you’re bursting with energy. You step into the gym and climb the stairs, and your jaw drops. The gym is packed, almost all the equipment is...
  3. EG News

    Here’s How and Why Powerlifters Need to Work on Unilateral Strength

    No one talks about their one rep max for a dumbbell bench press and row. And why would they? Because boosting unilateral strength numbers is unheard of. If you ask a lifter how much they squat, bench, and deadlift, those numbers roll off the tongue. Ask them how long they have been married and...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Tip: Unilateral vs. Bilateral Training Which is better? Here are the facts.

    WHICH ONE IS BETTER? For over a decade now, fitness pros have been arguing about unilateral and bilateral training. As a fresher, unilateral means "one side" or "one limb." Think of a one-arm dumbbell bench press. Bilateral means using both arms or both legs, like a standard barbell bench press...
  5. EG News

    These 3 Best Unilateral Dumbbell Rows will Help Strengthen Your Back and Core

    There’s probably no need to tell you that dumbbell rows are near the top of the list when it comes to helping build a massive back, as well as blow up your biceps and improve your grip strength. But did you know that a combination of different unilateral dumbbell row variations each serve a...
  6. EG News

    Why The Unilateral Dumbbell Floor Press will Maximize Your Pressing Strength

    The barbell bench and overhead press are the gold standards for pressing strength and adding size, but when it comes to unilateral training, a necessary but sometimes undertilized training method, the barbell may not be the most ideal option and that’s where the unilateral dumbbell floor press...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Unilateral and Bilateral Training

    One of the most challenging obstacles that new health and fitness professionals have when entrusted with establishing a resistance training program for the first time is knowing all of the numerous elements that may be combined into a resistance training program. This effort may seem daunting at...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Unilateral Movements for Maximal Hypertrophy Gains

    When training for size, most casual and experienced lifters know that there’s an optimal rep range (approx. 6-12) that elicits a hypertrophic (muscle growth) response. Further, specific movements are often used to get just the right angle on the tricep, delt, or serratus…picture folks who camp...
  9. EG News

    These 3 Unilateral Row Exercises will Help Boost Your Back

    Unlike unilateral row exercises bilateral vertical and horizontal pulling exercises like chin-ups bent over barbell rows, and seated rows often get all the love and attention. Because this is where the gains are due to the fact you’ll lift more weight. It’s a shame that unilateral row exercises...
  10. EG News

    Don’t Get Mad with Strength Imbalances, Get Even with These 4 Unilateral Moves

    Lifters who just focus on the big bilateral lifts of the squat, press, and deadlift family will get strong but can develop muscle imbalances. The body will always resort to plan B to finish the lift, and this is not always good. Having a strength imbalance by itself is not a huge deal. But over...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    5 Ways Unilateral Training Can Transform Your Body

    If you need to get your training back on track, training one limb or side at a time—also known as unilateral training—may be just the jolt you need. Single-arm rows and alternating biceps curls are great basic lifts most people in the gym are familiar with. But we tend to forget you can break...
  12. EG News

    Go one-sided

    one-arm4.jpg Per Bernal Your mom might be nagging you to pair up for good, but sometimes it’s best to stay single. So it is in the gym, where it can be highly effective to place all your focus on one side and none on the other. In fact, it’s such a positive that you should include at least...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Benefits of a Unilateral Routine

    Benefits of a Unilateral Routine Sean Concannon Unilateral training is a unique approach to weight training where exercises are done with one arm. You commonly see this with bicep and tricep training or other smaller muscles. But have you ever attempted this type of training with the bigger...
  14. F

    bilateral vs. unilateral
