
  1. 01dragonslayer

    History of Steroids In The United States

    The year 1954 was perhaps the most unfortunate year in sports history of steroids when anabolic steroid substances were first used by the team of Russian weightlifters at the World Weightlifting Championship. The U.S. history of steroids in sports began in 1954. The first ever of the anabolic...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    History of Steroids In The United States

    The year 1954 was perhaps the most unfortunate year in sports history of steroids when anabolic steroid substances were first used by the team of Russian weightlifters at the World Weightlifting Championship. The U.S. history of steroids in sports began in 1954. The first ever of the anabolic...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Many veterans applaud Trump for immigration order

    Many veterans applaud Trump for immigration order By Brian MacQuarrie Globe Staff February 02, 2017 They fought beside Iraqi soldiers, handed candy to Iraqi children, and depended on Iraqis to tell friend from foe. But many veterans of that long, grinding war support President Trump’s...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    2 Recent Developments Bring Fresh Concerns Over GM Crops

    2 Recent Developments Bring Fresh Concerns Over GM Crops by Christina Sarich Posted on October 16, 2015 Says New England Journal of Medicine. Could it be that premier scientific journals are finally conveying the truth about GMOs? In a relatively recent exploration of ‘ubiquitous’ GMOs that...
  5. sportsfreak

    Mexican AAS

    What's the chances of getting some goods out of Mexico during a cruise I have planned? I have some friends that have brought back other prescription meds without any issues when coming back in. I also have a script for test and didn't know if it was possible to stock up there and bring it back...