
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Squat You’re Not Doing

    This type of squat improves your form, saves your joints, and makes a great addition to your regular squatting. The Problem with Squats Squats are hyped-up as the king of leg exercises, but that only applies to a very small percentage of lifters: ones who actually squat well and ones who aren't...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Most Effective Exercises For Building Massive Shoulders

    Nope. This isn’t going to be another one of those run-of-the-mill “boulder shoulder” articles repeating the already nauseatingly understood exercises it takes to build big, wide shoulders. You know the ones, they go something like this: A standard press, a side lateral raise and then something...
  3. Wacker

    Schiek 6" Power Leather Contour Belt

    Anyone use this belt? Whats your favorite I'm not a powerlifter but like DL's and squats and want a comfortable belt. Any suggestions?