
  1. 01dragonslayer

    It’s not all gym junkies and ‘roid rage’ – people use steroids for a variety of reasons

    Most media reports would have you believe steroid users are predominantly young men suffering a “crisis of male ego” who are on a “deadly crusade to get ripped”. The focus tends to be on health harms and the danger associated with using these substances. After critically assessing the research...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    What Are SARMS And What Do They Do?

    SARMs have almost the same features as steroids, but they are not the same thing. The common factor between them is that they add to your androgen receptors, and influence your DNA which consequently causes more increase in muscle growth. Steroids on the other hand are more intense, they can...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Human Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)

    Drug Class: Growth Hormone/IGF-1 Precursor Active Life: Varies by injection method Human Growth Hormone is a proteinaceous hormone made up of a chain of 191 amino acids and is produced by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for the protein deposition, growth of tissues, and the breakdown of...
  4. halfnatty

    Dhb cycle questions

    now i heard good things about this but had a few questions does it raises blood count like eq and anxiety? Eq makes my anxiety horrible lol
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Steroids And Their Harmful Side Effects

    This article breaks the steroid side effects down, explaining how steroids affect different body parts. Thinking about taking steroids? Read this first. The term steroids normally are associated with reference to a class of drugs that are used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Steroids...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Doctors admit we know too little about anabolic steroids

    Doctors admit we know too little about anabolic steroids Users of anabolic steroids don't care much about the expertise of doctors when it comes to steroids. That's known. In this regard, you will not learn nothing new from the research that Stephanie Hill, affiliated with York Hospitals NHS...
  7. EG News

    Sony is creating a robotic personal trainer

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Oliver Burston / Getty Sony Interactive Entertainment is crafting a video...
  8. EG News

    Data stolen from myfitnesspal app and other services

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Bill Hinton / Getty User information was stolen from 16 popular apps and...
  9. EG News

    Top 10 natural anabolics for 2018

    Photo provided by Strong Supplements via Getty Images The Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2018 see continued innovation and growth as more compounds are identified and introduced to the market. Natural Anabolics have surged to the forefront of the industry due to impressive customer results and...
  10. Poohbear

    Trestolone A aka (Ment)

    Anybody have experience with this compound ? Is a stand alone compound ? What doses should it be ran at ? Pros and cons plz .
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Men who take ginseng live longer

    Men who take ginseng live longer Men who take Panax ginseng are likely to live longer. Health scientists at the Kwandong University in Korea concluded this after studying 6372 men and women in the Kangwha region of South Korea for 18...
  12. Wacker

    Dihydroboldenone/1-Testosterone Profile

    I grabbed this for those intrested, seemed to be a need for a little info on this since we have a sponsor now selling it...I have some and will be sampling it thi sweek. PIP can be quit severe so I'v heard will update after my first pin. 1 test cyp Dihydroboldenone/1-Testosterone Profile...