
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Most coaches recognize that any player who can power clean a big weight is probably going to be a terror on the field. The fact is, the power clean to bodyweight ratio is better at predicting vertical jump and 40 yard dash performance than any other method outside of actually jumping or running...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Does True Grit Equal True Intelligence?

    When the going gets tough, they say the tough get going. This characteristic can be called anything from courage to perseverance to the commonly-used “grit.” This is persistence in the face of adversity and set-backs and the ability to keep focused on a goal. For younger generations not...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What are anabolic steroids?

    I am sure most people who frequent musclemecca bodybuilding forums know what anabolic steroids are but do you really? Read on if you want the nitty gritty on what anabolic steroids really are. What Are Anabolic Steroids? By Kasper V. Christensen Anabolic steroids usually shortened to simply...
  4. Inhuman2024

    Crashed tne

    So just reheat it? Its like gelled up.
  5. Ryno3516


    What is everyone’s go to for pins? For what I have seen on here so far there is not much talk about pins if someone would like to share there information or thoughts on what’s the best ones you have used. It could maybe help a brother out!! Brands, barrel size, and pin gauge. I don’t remember...
  6. T-bar


    I'm perplexed. I'm running a cycle that has worked incredibly well for me in the past; Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk EQ 200mg 2/wk Dbol 25mg/ed Arimidex 0.5mg/eod I received new product the first week of February. I'm starting my...
  7. Boltbreaker

    Whats your BP on and off cycle?? HR on and off??

    As the title states I want to know your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate on and off cycle. Maintaining BP for some on cycle is hard and just want to see how AAS affects some of us. I will start.. Off and on BP never changes 118/68 give or take a few points HR 50-60 depending if I have had...
  8. A

    Acceptable wait time for vendor response?

    Just wondering what you guys think an acceptable wait time for a response from an order for a vendor is? I see alot of them saying payment is expected in a certain time frame usually 48hrs. However as the customer what is a good wait time for a response? I have a big order id like to place which...
  9. GoPro

    Insulin for off Season???

    So boys, I have used insulin for about a year now on and off. I usually do a 2 week cycle (only one dose of 10 units a day pre-workout) and take a 3 week break. I have used it in combination with Gear and have had awesome results. But with quite a bit of bloat and it was slow to come off, i am...