
  1. puff88

    Storing Gear and Crashed Vials

    My stash always stays inside of a sealed and locked Pelican case. Vials are also inside of 1-2 zip lock bags inside the case. (Im amal like that). Normally, stored inside a safe in a closet that stays between normal room temps. For the last few weeks i moved those pelican case into the attic...
  2. puff88

    How do you store your "stash"?

    I'm not talking about the goodies you plan on using in your current cycle, I am referring to those of us who like to stock up on a few years worth of goods to have on hand "just in case". Be it vials or orals, how do you store your long term goods to assure they last and hold potency? I've been...
  3. Hugebro

    Overheated vials

    I moderately heat my gear before drawing it up. Heating by super low heat on a pan. I got into a heated conversation with the wife and by the time I remembered I was heating 2 vials up they were almost too hot to touch. Are the hormones cooked in these vials do you guys think (testE and to/Npp)...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Baking crystallized gear

    BAKING CRYSTALLIZED GEAR Just thought I would post this up since there has been recent talk of crystallized gear and everyone today seems to use the boiling water in a pan method.Some ive heard have not had too much luck with this method.Back in the day we used to bake our crashed gear and it...
  5. krustus

    are larger orders a biger risk than like 10 or less vials

    so ordering like 30-50 vials more risky than 10 or less?... i know if you actually get busted... more would be worse.. but does a bigger box or pack make it more likely to get look at in the first place?
  6. JuicedVenom

    Hgh storage. Before recon.

    Ok looking for opinions. I been using AAS , Hgh ,slin, peptides etc for a little while. Lol [emoji23] So I know people with 50 kits of serostims just sitting on a shelf in a closet. ( room temp). Then fridge after recon. There's different answeres on this topic. Most say fridge...
  7. Daredevil

    Custom mixes?

    I wasn't sure where exactly I could post this so I figured best option was in general chat. Which vendors that we have here will do custom mixes and what's the minimum amount? I was browsing subforum and wasn't able to tell which ones might be willing to do so? I know other members are...
  8. AkProGuy

    What does LE consider Major?

    So, say I have a friend that has slowly built up a nice little income in reselling gear. What does LE use to measure dealer or personal user. Say a stash spot was to get searched? What quantity is considered minor operation? What is the turning point that makes them pursue sales charges? anyone...
  9. B

    Clear stopper

    I just popped the top off my npp and I thought it was broken or something. Then I realized it wasn't a hole but a clear stopper. I have never seen a vial with one and I just smoked for the first time in a month so my thinking may be impaired. Fucking thing tricked me...
  10. Z82

    Open punctured vials?

    Do you guys keep them for your next run. I know most of us use them till they're gone but since im coming off early you think the oil will stay sterile and fresh for months?
  11. RockShawn

    Carry case for vials

    I've got a little carry case for my hGH and peps. it's a diabetic setup with an ice pack and all. I used to have a similar case that would hold my AAS vials and pins, but it got stolen and I can't find the same thing anywhere. Does anyone know of a good case to keep 4-5 vials and pins and alch...
  12. B

    Bust Talk

    BCSO Captain Faith Bell holds a bag of steroid pills in front of about $1 million of homemade steroids seized during the discovery of a steroid lab Friday in Panama City Beach. "This amount here would be a good bust for us," she said, referring to the bag. "To see all this here is mind-boggling...