
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Choose the Best Multivitamin for You

    What Is a Multivitamin? A multivitamin is a dietary supplement containing various vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients designed to help you maintain an adequate intake of micronutrients. There’s no standard definition of what constitutes a multivitamin, which means the content of each...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Micronutrient Madness: Vitamins

    In fitness, there are constant discussions, myths and arguments surrounding flexible dieting. Everybody has an opinion on macronutrient intake, sources of each and of course, whether something should be consumed or not given its calorie content. As we all know, the primary goal of your average...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How Do Multivitamins Work? Everything You Need to Know about Vitamins

    Multivitamins and multiminerals are the most popular dietary supplements by a sizable margin. A seemingly infinite number of vitamin supplements are on the market, most of which claim to deliver crucial micronutrients essential for a long and healthy life. It’s undeniable that we need plenty...
  4. 01dragonslayer


    For those who grew up eating traditional Western diets, the thought of eating kidneys or intestines can be cringe inducing. But organ meats have always been the preferred animal protein source for hunters across a wide range of cultures. In fact, even in the animal kingdom most predators go...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Vitamins and supplements for athletes

    A balanced diet and healthful lifestyle that includes enough sleep should be sufficient to give most people the energy that they need for their daily activities. However, athletes push their bodies to peak performance, so these individuals may need an energy boost. In this article, we provide...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements

    I thought this was an interesting article for you all. Yes, vitamins are important for bodybuilding, bodybuilders and everyone else! Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements By Jim Duffy Most healthy eaters are familiar with the three macronutrients that garner the most...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Expiration Dating

    The general rule of thumb on expiration dating: Vitamins and herbs lose potency pretty quickly. Standard industry policy is to load most vitamins with higher dosages up front (up to 20% higher) so they last the full length of the expiration date. Beyond expiration vitamins and herbs will degrade...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Multivitamins: Worthwhile or a Waste of Money?

    Vitamins and minerals are key micronutrients required by the body to allow for optimal health and longevity. Moreover, as we age, our needs of these vital micronutrients increases. Thus, it’s no surprise that multivitamin and multimineral supplements are the most popular choice for consumers...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    5 Most Important Vitamins For Muscle Growth & Recovery

    Is a vitamin deficiency keeping you from making the most of your gym time? Learn which vitamins are essential for muscle growth and recovery. While you’re driving home from the gym, muscle growth and repair is happening at the cellular level. Cellular synthesis and tissue repair depend on a...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    9 Vitamins And Supplements All Women Should Take For Optimal Wellness

    Female athletes and active women require adequate nutrition for optimal health and performance. Check out these 9 vitamins and supplements all women should take! By now, you’re probably well aware that your body needs vitamins and minerals to you’re your body strong and healthy. Experts agree...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Vitamins and Minerals: Important or Just Marketing Hype?

    Vitamins and minerals are the most popular supplements in the market place today, but do we really need them? Vitamins and minerals are the most popular supplements in the market place today, but do we really need them? If you eat a balanced diet and eat a sufficient quantity of food, then it is...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    5 Most Important Vitamins For Muscle Growth & Recovery

    While you’re driving home from the gym, muscle growth and repair is happening at the cellular level. Cellular synthesis and tissue repair depend on a variety of vitamins and minerals. While these vitamins can typically be found in a balanced diet, frequent lifters may find that certain...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    5 Most Important Vitamins For Muscle Growth & Recovery

    While you’re driving home from the gym, muscle growth and repair is happening at the cellular level. Cellular synthesis and tissue repair depend on a variety of vitamins and minerals. While these vitamins can typically be found in a balanced diet, frequent lifters may find that certain...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Micronutrients

    We hear plenty about carbs, fat and protein. Every popular diet has its own philosophy on the right breakdown. Micronutrients, on the other hand, often get overlooked. Sure, they’re needed in much smaller quantities, but that doesn’t mean they’re not important. In fact, many physiological...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements

    Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements By Jim Duffy Most healthy eaters are familiar with the three macronutrients that garner the most media attention within the diet world: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Indeed, some highly regarded eating programs, such as the...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Are Veggie Chips Actually Healthy?

    If you’re trying to sneak more veggies into your diet, swapping regular potato chips for veggie chips might seem like an easy fix. Not only are vegetables packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but we know consuming a variety of them on a regular basis can help reduce risk for...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    6 RD-Backed Reasons Eating Fat Promotes Weight Loss

    Fat plays a fundamental role in a healthy diet. The macronutrient is necessary for cellular growth, supporting healthier skin and hair and regulating the body’s metabolic functions. Fats keep our hormones in balance and help us absorb key nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K (there’s a reason...
  18. EG News

    Here are the 3 Best Ways You Could Be Taking Vitamins

    These days, there are many different forms of vitamin supplements available to choose from, but it comes time to make a decision how often have you asked: Is one method of vitamin usage better for your body than another? It just might be! Vitamins are considered “essential” because the body...
  19. S

    Favorite multi?

    Time for me to reorder the basic supplements. What does everyone use for their multi vitamin? I've been using the ON OPTI MEN for years.
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Is 'vitamania' making Americans less healthy?

    Is 'vitamania' making Americans less healthy? Lindsay Abrams Salon Sat, 21 Feb 2015 A, C, D, E, K and the eight Bs: There's a lot that can go wrong when we don't get sufficient amounts of these 13 chemicals in our diets. Things like pellagra, caused by a B3 deficiency and...