
  1. Wacker

    Coinbase Hold

    Fuck Coinbase, I used it in the past with no problems had everything verified and would just transfer to other wallets. I don't use it often maybe 2 times a year. Last week I purchased some for an order, it said it went thru and was available, so I placed my order. As soon as I tried to transfer...
  2. MattyIce

    Home Gym

    With Covid lock downs and all I had took advantage of the $$ making opportunities and started working contract and 7- day a week overtime. Worked 53 day straight one time. Lol It was crazy!!! I bought a house and built up a gym. Now that we are all healed, lol the money is back to meh… or decent...
  3. puff88

    Couple Questioms on Dose Frequency

    For those that run Test E or C either on cycle or for TRT, anyone actually dose 1 shot per week (every 7 days)? Is there any real physical or mental downside to this? Anyone ever notice really shitty bloodwork around day 6 or 7 right before the next shot? Can you get away with pinning Mast P...
  4. pooh6369

    Am I wrong??

    I used low dose Deca (100mg) once a week for joint relief. I have a buddy who swears 100mg of NPP he uses it for the same reason. But giving the half life of NPP a few days would it be as effective as decanoate?? Told him I would post up so he can read the reaction. Got a sushi buffet bet going...
  5. Dago

    NPP cycle

    Anyone has experience with NPP care to post or share about it please? I ran deca last summer with some liquid winstrol from dyel the whole cycle was dyel gear. I want to try some NPP
  6. EG News

    The Week’s Best Fitness Hits and Misses on Instagram

    Every week, notable pro athletes, celebrities, and bodybuilding personalities share highlights of their training on Instagram. Thanks to their efforts, fans watch, like, comment, and share their opinions before using the posts as motivational fuel for their own workouts to come. The past seven...
  7. Roc

    Post up some bulk ideas

    like to hear some different bulk ideas from people who push the limit. I’ve done it all and want to hear what people are doing. My plans are 1000mg sus 1000mg deca 1000mg tren ace Week 5 100mg drol Ed 5iu gh medi blacks Slin everyday with long acting and short acting
  8. GoPro

    New cycle.

    So..... Been in the game since 2013. I did some comps and placed 4th over all the first one and lost some weight and placed 3red in mens physic. I really wanna get back into the same shape. So obviously I'm gonna be doing a couple cycles and dieting. So your alls input is very wanted. I was...
  9. J

    Whats Your TRT

    What do you guys use for TRT (sus, cyp, test e, or whatever), how many MG's and how many shots per week?
  10. GRIM

    What im currently on..

    Test E 750 mg a week EQ 900 Mg a week Mast E gonna start but low end prob 600 mg a week DNP to help cut this last bit of flab off 200mg a day Plan to start SD inject and tren A mix possibly all depending.. 3.3 IU gh a day 200 mcg T4 Anti E as needed This is meant just to help me cut more stay...
  11. EG News

    Jay cutler's two-a-day back training is calling you

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/jay-cutler-bbcom.jpg?itok=BW3jHtEo&timestamp=1543508864 Courtesy of Bodybuilding.com Sponsored Content You know you need to...
  12. EG News

    It's your cheat meal, so cheat already!

    You've got one chance every week to really load up on calories, so don't be shy. Once a week, your path to bulking up should lead you to all kinds of tasty items you don't even dare glance at the rest of the week. Continue reading...
  13. halfnatty

    Who’s ran dhb

    i would like to see How your results were
  14. Southerncross

    First run in a long time

    Well im the new guy on here so guess i better utilize this membership and ask you good fellas for some basic advice. Been prolly 6 or 7 years since i been on. Im fairly experienced ...ive ran test,some long ester tren, anadrol back in the day, and dianabol. I believe in my younger days we was...
  15. millenium girl


    Just wondering how many hours a day and how many days a week you all work. Americans are often workaholics but some of my friends from the US tell me that I work too much (8 hours a day, sometimes more and 6 to 7 days a week).
  16. Titan88

    Need help from the brothers of iron!

    Need help building my triceps!!! I feel like my tricep workouts have gone stale.. I do mix them up all the time. I try new shit and old shit and they never seem to grow.. I've been training them once a week. Usually dedicate just one workout to each body part. Anyone got some good workouts to...
  17. krustus

    my newb tren experience

    i just finished a 14 week blast... last 4-5 weeks i ran AEL tren a and Dyel tren a.. take i for what it's worth from a guy with very little tren experience... i was happy with both... couldn't tell a difference when i switched half way. my only real side was shortness of breath, but i haven't...
  18. Dago

    Cycle time!!!

    Spring is around the corner man i got that rush that awesome feeling you get when it's time to cycle it up!!! I'm gonna be running all EGH gear like this. Test-cyp 750mgs per week Eq 600mgs per week 50mgs winstrol per day when I'm 10 weeks in I have a few adrol tabs left EHG brand as well so...
  19. misterB

    my winter lean bulk

    I'm starting to track my progress for a lean bulk i'm on , about 2 weeks in. drug use HGH - 2.5 IUs ramping up .5 per week to 5 or 6 IUs (greytops) soon to be on Sciroxx IGF-1 lr3 50 to 80 mcg pre workout three time a week , one month on one month off test - 200 mg test C - week m/f - depo-test...
  20. krustus

    been doing my TRT dose sub q...

    started doing the 100-125mg test u once a week sub q .. through a 25g 5/8 insulin syringe... so easy.. no pip... sometimes a mild irritation at the site...but since you can't flex fat ..lol.. you won't notice it unless you press on it. cuts down on scar tissue...if you were to have an...