
  1. EG News

    How To Achieve the Bodybuilder Look

    The “bodybuilder look” has come to be identified as a very specific thing. Comments are often made about the physiques of boxers, wrestlers, sprinters, and all sorts of other athletes to the effect of “he looks like a bodybuilder.” What does this mean? There have been big and muscular men...
  2. EG News

    The Next Wave of Female Bodybuilders

    In the last couple of years there has been a wave of competitors who have successfully moved up from women’s physique to women’s bodybuilding — including Andrea Shaw, of course, who won both the Rising Phoenix and the Ms. Olympia last year. Inspired by their success, there will be another wave...
  3. EG News

    The One Woman Missing from the 2020 Ms. Olympia Lineup

    Thanks to Jake Wood and Wings of Strength, the Ms. Olympia Bodybuilding Championship will be returning to the Olympia Weekend in December. It’s an exciting time for the sport of female bodybuilding, and we can expect to see the best pro women in the sport competing on stage together. Except, not...
  4. EG News

    Phil Heath Talks Chicken Wings, Racism, and His Bodybuilding Future

    Phil Heath will always be a bodybuilder — it’s something that’s ingrained in his very being. “Bodybuilding is in my DNA,” the seven-time Mr. Olympia told Muscle & Fitness. “That has not changed one bit. I’ll always have that in my blood.” But in recent years, Heath has tried to become much...
  5. EG News

    From the Ashes: Ms. Olympia's Return

    Robert Reiff When the Ms. Olympia was discontinued after the 2014 Olympia, it was the end of an era for women’s bodybuilding, and a painful reminder that women were seen as second-rate in the sport. For many female competitors, their options were slim— change their training to become a women’s...
  6. EG News

    Rising Phoenix: The All-Women's Championship Show at Olympia Weekend

    Sponsored Content Women in sports have travelled a long, challenging road. Women’s bodybuilding, in particular, was slowly developed over many years by female pioneers. The sport’s growth has faced many obstacles, including the near elimination of women’s championship shows five years ago...
  7. EG News

    Bodybuilder helle trevino gets her wings

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Kent L Photography Beating the Odds In 2004, I had just gotten...
  8. EG News

    Ribs vs. wings

    WINGS AND RIBS: two very different yet equally satisfying foods you’ll find on menus around the world. But with a few ingredients and some basic cooking skills, you can easily whip up both at home. Which one (if either) can you reach for without undoing all that hard work you put in at the gym...