
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Can You Get Ripped Through Diet Alone?

    Good question. Context is key in answering this. To make it simple. Yes, you can get pretty ripped up without the use of gym weights. It’s totally possible. Getting ripped is a product of a low body fat percentage. A low body fat percentage can be attained without the use of dumbbells and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Top 10 Reasons You Should NOT Use Steroids

    First - if your new to this and you dont get through this whole list, put down the vial, the needle and walk away. You lack the initiative to even get started 1) Your under 25 (ish). Your natty test is still likely high, and you probably still have room to grow. You may not have spent the...
  3. EG News

    7 Healthy Foods that Will Help You Eat Better for Less

    If you’ve been experiencing more pain at the supermarket checkout counter you’re not alone. Food prices for everything from cereal to eggs to meat have been on the upswing with another average 2.9% hike expected for 2024, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Will it ever end? No...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Beginners Bodybuilding Guide

    Bodybuilding. The word invokes images of oiled man (or women) with shaved and tanned bodies, bowling around on stage, showing off their steroid-gorged physiques. It’s not a pretty picture. Yet, building our bodies is the goal of nearly everyone who exercises. Here’s my definition of...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    Visually, the squat pattern is simple. However, neuromuscularly and biomechanically it's actually very complex. It requires a number of precisely executed components to lock the movement in. Some of these include: Set the hips back without bending over. Spread the knees apart but not...
  6. EG News

    Swap Out Squats (without Sacrificing Strength) with These 4 Alternatives

    We’ve all had those off days. You look at your workout routine and barbell back squats are on the menu. Normally you can’t get enough of leg day, but on this particular workout day, you’re feeling a tweak your shoulder or knee after the previous night’s pick-up basketball game; now back squats...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Dehydrated Without Even Knowing It?

    by Maressa Brown When the temperature heats up outside, you’re probably more acutely aware of how thirsty (and sweaty!) you are. But dehydration doesn’t just strike during the summer months. In fact, you might be dehydrated right now—without even knowing it. Humans are made mostly of water. 75...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Eat Eggs for Bodybuilding! Learn how to prepare them!

    Getting Eggy With It: 6 Ways To Prepare Eggs As a bodybuilder, you've no doubt done your fair share of studying what the mass monsters of our sport are eating on a daily basis, right? You see their videos where they trudge out of bed at the ungodly hour of 10 am (yes, being a pro bodybuilder...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The 40 Best Low-Calorie Foods

    Looking for low-calorie foods that are up to the challenge of fueling you through your workouts without weighing you down? Look no further! This comprehensive list of the top 40 low-calorie foods will keep you on track to shred. Consider this your meal-prep toolbox! These low-calorie foods...
  10. EG News

    Indulge For the Fourth of July Weekend Without Guilt or Causing Too Much Damage

    Come Friday evening, after a week of clean eating and exercise, many look to take a break from the norm and loosen up their diets (and belts) a bit. Then Monday rolls around and with it brings tighter pants and rising numbers on the scale. Somehow, Friday snacking turned into three days of...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    The Complete Guide To Building Muscle Without Weights

    Don't let the lack of weights hinder your gains! Here's a list of the absolute best bodyweight exercises that pack on the muscle without the use of dumbbells, barbells, or machines. Don’t have access to a fully stocked gym replete with every machine and contraption imaginable? Bodyweight...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Advantage: Women.....

    Why it's better to be a Woman! 1. We got off the Titanic first. 2. We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers. 3. Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours. 4. We...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The Arm Circuit Workout from Hell

    Here is a little something you can do to shock your arms into new development. Think of your arm training as a circuit, you pick about 3-4 different exercises and hit them in a row with no rest between movements. It'll get your heart rate up good, and it'll help keep motivation levels high...
  14. I

    10 Bodyweight Moves to Grow Your Biceps

    Building bulging biceps without dumbbells or barbells seems like a lot of work unless you’re willing to do pullups, pullups, and more pullups. It’s true that when it comes to biceps the path of least resistance comes from using, well, more resistance. But for those times when you’re without...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    The Massive Delt Workout---Dare You To Try It!!

    The Massive Delt Workout---Dare You To Try It!! Ok guys,here's the next in the series of KILLER WORKOUTS! This one is called the MASSIVE DELT WORKOUT and it lives up to its name.Give it a shot and see if you can stick with it! Lets take a closer look at a technique called Triple Drop...
  16. krustus

    so after my cut... how to you stay focused

    i cut down 30lbs in about 6 months...Jan - July last year... have been able to maintain that level of leanness since then.. or at least very close... but i feel a little adrift...lost ... without the diet rules as strict as they were....lol.. i really only counted cals and protein. catch...
  17. kingofclowns

    how to get bloodwork in MA without going through doc

    Hello my fellow broses, living in the liberal utopia of taxachusetts is not so great sometimes, like when you want to have fun after midnight or when you need to get bloodwork without going through the healthcare machine. I could theoretically hop a train down to providence if I had to if there...
  18. 49ER

    More evidence that im not a scammer

    Im not going down without me mskimg every attempt to prive vaultek wrong. Everyone that knows me since way back at ology knows i dont have a single blemish on my name besides joking too much and speaking my mind. Lets just say my vacation was ruined because of my extreme personality and...
  19. monster-ish


    anybody give this pep a go yet? Getting ready to start running it in a few days. I have a pec tear that won't go away. I've ready good things about this product and it's healing abilities. I haven't been able to get much info on much else though. Like half life and should I spot inject
  20. 4everstrong

    Cruising and insulin ?

    What do you guys think about running slin on a 200mg test cruise for 30 days? Or is it best to use insulin on a cycle?