
  1. 01dragonslayer


    How it works The secret to how L-Glutathione works is the sulfur chemical group that it brings to the body. Imagine sulfur as a sticky filter that traps the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, from mercury to other heavy metals. The good news is that L-Glutathione is recycled in the body...
  2. EG News

    Try this Soldier-Athlete Full-Body Blast Workout from Erik Bartell

    Personal trainer and Army veteran Erik Bartell’s training style blends high-intensity with full-body functional strength and conditioning. If you haven’t tried one of his Live Classes each Tuesday and Thursday mornings on the M&F Instagram page, you’ll understand what he means after completing...
  3. Durro

    Get Through Tough Times - Branch Warren

  4. EG News

    The 8-week training plan for six-pack abs

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: skynesher / Getty Why is this abs workout different from...
  5. Bighekt

    Acne and accutane

    I've been suffering from acne even before starting my first cycle. But recently it got worst. Now I'm looking in to having that clean skin while on anything. So here are my questions. Just want to see if any of the vets on here have used accutane. If so was it on or off cycle? What were the...
  6. millenium girl


    I have always been worried about something but since this damn TKR things have been much worse. I have bad anxiety and don't know what to do about it.
  7. GRIM

    Stop texting use wickr

    Texts can easily be retrieved. Use wickr a free encrypted messenger application. Or anyone with a better ap?
  8. ElChango


    Anyone know what a way to combat it. Bought a scrub, and taking vitamin B5, some of it has been drying out but still got it. I stopped taking my multi because it has biotin in it.
  9. Vw4334

    MK 677 or MK 2866

    Anyone have any experience with these, thinking about using it after i get off as part of a pct/bridge id like to know of doses and what to expect
  10. cmeliftheavy

    Tadalafil How it Works

    During some heavy cycles there are challenges that occur with erections or lack there of. I have used Viagra and Cilias with no exciting effects to report. Of course the big question is was the source for the product legit, and I would like to say yes do to the other products purchased but who...
  11. cmeliftheavy

    TB500 -- How it works

    B 500 is a naturally occurring peptide. It is part of the thymosin family of peptides. Structurally it is unique in that it has a unique binding ability. This is relative in that it binds to certain substances and transports them to areas of injury. TB500 is found throughout the body, in many...
  12. E

    Modified poliovirus therapy for glioblastoma works best at a low dosage

    Modified poliovirus therapy for glioblastoma works best at a low dosage A modified poliovirus therapy that is showing promising results for patients with glioblastoma brain tumors works best at a low dosage, according to the research team at Duke's Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center where...
  13. 4everstrong

    Any one ever notice this?

    I have never seen 1 pimple on a bodybuilder??? How do they manage that? Im guessing they take acne meds with their cycles?
  14. V

    Diet pills/Appetite suppressant?

    I'm looking for some serious diet pills or an appetite suppressant for my girl. Something that works. She's convinced she needs something and I don't know what to get. Any one have any ideas or supplements that work?
  15. F

    $299.99 @ WU without ID!!!!!!!

    I just had the lady at WU say I would not be able to send more than $299.99 with no receiver ID. Holy Shit. I sent an email to my vendor and I hope that $15.01 short will be ok till I order a small batch of pcts and I can make up the difference. Has anyone else had this problem?