
  1. B

    When to drop injectables

    When do most of y'all stop using injectables peak week? I know that you can run proviron, winstrol tabs, halo until the day of the show. When do you drop primo, tren, Masteron and test suspension??? Any advice and help would be appreciated.

    cycle questions.

    OK so I am planning ahead for my next cycle... want some input and ideas.. So I am thinking something along these lines.. oil test E 1-22 6-800 week deca 1-12 ????? not sure the dose to run was thinking around 4-600mg WK EQ 1-22 8-1000 week tren 16-22 not sure if I want to run ace or E...
  3. W

    Anadrol; a love story

    Anadrol; a love story A short story based on true events by:JDB3 Back in my early juicing career, when a few bottles of testosterone and bottle of liquid dbol was considered a good cycle, the only cycle I would ever need. I could take 500mg a week of testosterone and grow like a weed...
  4. RockShawn


    There are many different approaches to taking HGH. The right approach for your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, HGH is a general supplement to help maintain low bodyfat percentages and reasonable levels of lean body mass. For others who have reached their genetic...
  5. RockShawn

    N. Korea approves nuclear strike on US

    SEOUL — The North Korean army said Thursday it had final approval to launch "merciless" military strikes on the United States, involving the possible use of "cutting-edge" nuclear weapons. In a statement published by the official KCNA news agency, the General Staff of the Korean People's Army...
  6. LBM200

    gun controll

    lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. sportsfreak

    Test P cycle, need some help!!

    Ok, I have always ran long ester cycles and need some short ester help. I plan on pinning EOD so in my mind there will be 3 one week and 4 the next. I am trying to keep the oil at 3ml each stick and still get the proper doses. I plan on running 700mg test between my script and the prop, 500mg EQ...
  8. LBM200

    Racist Zombies

  9. F

    Super Power

    If u could have any super power what would it be? & would u use it to be a hero or a villan? Invisibility for me and I would use it for both :-[
  10. B

    EG -monthly prize lotto!?

    MEMBERS as u know EG is a non-profit site! admin does not charge sponsors or members, he only asks for donations as a gesture of apreciation for the security he provides for us all.......WELL to this point donations are almost non existant from members and sponsors...only one sponsor holds...
  11. N

    Cycle Support

    After spending some time on the board and learning a little bit I started to add more compounds and made my cycles more advanced. I found out quick that I do not like Deca. I also have a new found love for test p/mast/tren cycles with a test e base. So thank you everyone for that! But, with...
  12. W

    No accident

    Barack Obama was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the class. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked the president if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy.' So our illustrious president asked the class...
  13. RockShawn

    DC Training Manual

    I've been meaning to get this up for some time now....well here it is. Please note this is Dante's writing and the weights on the stretches are his weights. Start out lighter if you've never done extreme stretches. Long read but a full picture on DogCrapp with nutrition suggestions. Enjoy...
  14. sportsfreak

    What's your thoughts on this?? Hitler reborn??!

    Former noble peace prize winner Jim Garrow wrote this on his Facebook I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new "litmus test" in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. "The new litmus test of...
  15. TSizemore

    Bill of Rights

    My wife passed this on to me, Quite interesting as, admittedly, I didn't know what the 3rd Amendment was. Watch it, and see what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F584p5kJL-U&feature=player_detailpage
  16. G

    knee swolen.... :/ and bugging

    Pinned the top of thigh and has been getting fatter. Never had this happen before. Almost as if all my oils I pinned dripped down to my knee cap... Shit wont stop aching. Dont think I hit a nerve or anyhting cus it didn't feel any different or hurt when I pinned and usually always pin thighs and...
  17. C

    any of you fighters use...

    halotestin ever? i was just wondering if the rewards are worth the risk. it says that it causes aggression in fighters but i'm assuming it would do that outta the ring too which in turn might not be so good for ones personal life. would love to hear feedback on this
  18. D

    Pinched Nerve anyone?

    Any of you guys ever get a pinched nerve? I got one mid november in my upper back and am still super weak in my left tricep, its killin me on chest and shoulders, like i have 1/4 stregnth of my right arm in my left. Been going to a sports injury specialist chiropractor, but that hasnt helped...

    the skinny on dnp

    THE SKINNY ON DNP IUPAC name: 2,4-Dinitrophenol Molecular formula: C6H4N2O5. Molar Mass: 184.106 Density: 1.683 g/cm³ Melting Point:108 °C, 381 K, 226 °F Boiling Point: 113 °C, 386 K, 235 °F Acidity: 4.114 What is DNP? For purposes of this article we will stick to the physiological...


    Ketotifen Fumarate is an H1-antihistamine that is available in two versions oral and ophthalmic. In the ophthalmic (for use in the eye) form, it is used to treat conjunctivitis (pink eye), or the itchy red eyes caused by allergies. It is used orally as a medication to aid in the prevention of...