
  1. D

    Happy New Year... my Enhanced Genetics family.
  2. GoPro

    1 year off and on transformation....

    It's crazy how much we can change in a year. This was done over the course of year about. I was off and on so it could have been even a bigger change if I would have been in a better state of mind. I did go through a drinking spell which hurt my gains too and a divorce. So keep that in mind too.
  3. EG News

    M&F 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

    2020 has not been an average year—luckily, the holiday season is finally here. A great way to brighten the end of someone’s year, other than spending time with them, is to gift them something you know they’ll appreciate. But if you’re stuck on what to put under the tree, don’t worry because...
  4. EG News

    How to Build a Healthier Holiday Plate

    With the holidays just around the corner, most fitness enthusiasts are thinking about two things: cheat meals and vacations. After all, what’s the point of being in shape and killing it in the gym all year long if we can’t indulge once in a while, especially for special occasions? Those who...
  5. Bighekt

    Staying on/crusing or coming off?

    I've been on cycle with only a one month break since the start of the year. I'm trying to put on as much lean mass as possible this year. My dilemma here is staying on or coming off. Obviously without blood work we can't really see were I stand on thing. But just wanted to get some vets opinion...
  6. A

    How's everyone's 2019 so far?

    Time to make this year a positive one! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  7. millenium girl

    Happy new year

    i wish everyone here at EG a Happy 2018 :)
  8. GRIM

    Filing taxes

    Is a BITCH Zero return which I do NOT expect one still have to file and tax software loops would pull my hair out if I had any!
  9. GRIM

    20 deliveries seized daily

    GYM junkies are fuelling a red-hot import market for steroids with the Australian Border Force now intercepting 20 deliveries of the dangerous vanity drug each day. So far this year the ABF has made 5000 seizures of suspect performance and image enhancing drugs (PIED) from passengers’ luggage...
  10. GRIM

    UK Bust

    Brett Wiltshire, from Maidstone, jailed for supplying steroids Police raided the home of a fitness fanatic and discovered a large-scale commercial operation making and distributing anabolic steroids, a court heard. In the last tax year alone, £123,000 was paid into 40-year-old Brett Wiltshire’s...
  11. GetnBig

    getting ready for the 2015 season

    Ive been away for a while due to,some unforseen circumstances that have prevented me from competing last year. Now that everything is back on track i have a full,schedule this year. I am not to pmeased with where im at currently but within the next 8-10 weeks I should be where I need to be...