“F*ck Yo Flag:” Black Activists Desecrate U.S. Flag In Front of Vets


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“F*ck Yo Flag:” Black Activists Desecrate U.S. Flag In Front of Vets
Kit Daniels - April 4, 2016

Activists stomp, spit on flag outside Trump rally


A confrontation between a veteran and the activists:


almost makes me cry to think all Americans don't love the flag and see its symbolic representations of freedom and liberty. The very same freedoms that are allowing this embarrassment to our great country to speak his poisonous BullShit
They literally have to have something mentally wrong with them do have that mindset.. any other country they'd be locked up or killed, but they allow it here. It's bullshit. It should be legal, for a vet who fought for us to have our freedom, to take them out. Wipe them off this planet or fucking leave the country. If you don't like it enough to disrespect what represents what founded this country then leave. Shouldn't be an option to stay. Should forcefully remove them from US soil for good.
To do what you suggest, kill them, lock them up would be the complete opposite of what the men and women who died fought for. Please do not get me wrong I find what they do disgusting and it makes my skin crawl but those of us with common sense and insight have to take a higher path then to resort to savagery. I have seen the videos of how criminals and those that disagree with their government are treated in other places around the world. They are beaten, burned alive or worse if you can even imagine. We are not like that here (at least most of us) and we need to set the example. These people that hate America are often the same ones who complain there are no opportunities for them as they collect welfare and talk on their smart phones while their children sit in soiled diapers in front of the TV. Their punishment will be their own stagnation and self hatred. America is far from perfect and I do not wear red white and blue colored glasses but what these people are doing is not a sign of disagreement, it is a sign of hate and self pity. These are not political freedom fighters standing up to big brother they are waiting for their next hand out. Americans do not realize the best thing they can do is make it so the government has as little impact on their lives as possible.
come in my yard and treat the flag like that and someone getting shot


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they are fucking losers, but our soldiers fought for the right to do things like burn the flag.
I sat and watched "Only the Dead See the End of the War" last night and it gave me more respect for our soldiers than I ever had before... It sickens me to see this stuff and my first thought is the same as everyone else's has been but I think LT put it very well and I agree with him. It's so sad to see this shit though.......
thabeast said:
I sat and watched "Only the Dead See the End of the War" last night and it gave me more respect for our soldiers than I ever had before... It sickens me to see this stuff and my first thought is the same as everyone else's has been but I think LT put it very well and I agree with him. It's so sad to see this shit though.......
True, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a punch in the face for being disrespectful. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. Say whatever you want. You have that right. You won't get thrown in jail. But disrespect my family, friends or flag and I'll demonstrate my freedom of expression too.
Just straight ignorance is all that comes out their mouth.

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