16 Ways to Fight Gynecomastia


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16 Ways to Fight Gynecomastia

Eric Potratz

Eric M. Potratz has developed his education in the field of endocrinology and performance enhancement through years of research, counseling, and real world experience. Over the past five years he has been a private consultant for hundreds of athletes and bodybuilders alike, and is the founder & president of Primordial Performance.

Gynecomastia = Gyno

Most people think the only way to combat gyno is to use Nolvadex or Clomid. Considering the undesirable side-effects of these drugs, I generally don’t prefer these as the first line of defense. I have expressed my concerns about SERM’s in my article – Clomid & Nolvadex – The Dark Side.

In this article I summarize alternative methods for combating the occurrence of gyno. The advice given in this article is the result of over 10 years experience in counseling individuals with AAS induced gyno.

If you have gyno as a result of an endocrine disorder, I advise consulting your doctor before making changes to your prescribed medical regimen.

You Do Not Have Gyno!

During mammary tissue growth (the onset of gyno), you may notice the following symptoms -

•Puffy or swollen nipples
•Overly sensitive nipples
•Itchiness around the nipples

Editorial note: I promise -- that is the last time I will ever say nipples.

Now, just because you may have these symptoms does not mean you HAVE GYNO. It simply means that you HAVE GYNO SYMPTOMS. Remember, it is normal to have a small flat pea sized lump under the nipple. This is NOT gyno.

Now, if you allow these above symptoms to progress for several weeks then you may develop gyno. So if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms then you are smart to take action before it’s too late – But please stop emailing me saying you “have gyno” after 3 days on a cycle – this is physiologically impossible.

The good news is that even if you do have a slight case of gyno that you developed from a cycle, it’s probably 100% reversible. Read on…


Gyno Hysteria

No level of gyno is “permanent”. Any level of gyno can be reversed by dietary, supplemental and/or hormonal intervention. Mammary tissue (gyno) can be catabolized like any other tissue in the body. It’s just a matter of creating the right physiological environment within your body. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, all gyno is temporary or semi-permanent at worse.

Here are the basic levels of gyno -

Level 1 –
A dime sized glandular lump – which can emerge as soon as 2-3 weeks after “gyno symptoms” appear. This type of gyno can transform into a more serious level 2 gyno if left untreated for more than 4-6 weeks. In most cases, this initial level 1 gyno disappears once the hormonal environment improves, which is generally 2-3 weeks after the inflicting steroids clear the system.

Level 2 –
A quarter sized glandular lump. This type of gyno does not completely disappear on its own, but may gradually shrink to “Level 1” size after discontinuing the inflicting steroids. Completely reversing level 2 gyno requires aggressive dietary and supplemental intervention in conjunction with prescription grade drugs.

Generally, the levels of gyno can be referred to in the following way –

level 1 = temporary

level 2 = semi-permanent

Be warned, if gyno is allowed to grow large enough, the cost of surgery may be more cost efficient than trying to battle the gyno through drug and lifestyle changes – which could otherwise take months or years of intervention.

Following the 16 points below will help you prevent and reverse level 1 & 2 gyno -

The 16 Points

Consider all the following points. Remember, there are many factors that can contribute to gyno and performing just a handful of the points below may be the key to avoiding gyno all together.

1. Your naturally occurring 5a-reduced metabolites are your friends in preventing and reversing gyno. 5a-reduced metabolites include androsterone, androstanedione, androstanediol and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) as the most powerful 5a-reduced hormone. These hormones help prevent gyno by lowering estrogen and blocking the effect of estrogen at the hormone receptor. (1-8) Unless you have serious androgen related hair loss you want to keep your 5a-reduced metabolites relatively high to avoid gyno.

Methods for increasing 5a-reduced metabolites (DHT) are listed in preferred order –

•Topical testosterone applied to the scrotum will rapidly increase DHT levels with minimal estrogen conversion. (for more information on topical steroids, read this article)

•Use a DHT pro-hormone such as androsterone, found in AndroHard. This will raise DHT with zero risk of estrogen conversion.
•Injectable testosterone along with an AI to prevent excessive estrogen conversion.
•High dose oral 4-DHEA or DHEA along with an AI to prevent excessive estrogen conversion.

2. If you are concerned about gyno, avoid finesteride at all costs. It lowers all 5a-reduced metabolites to undesirable levels and has an extremely long half-life which continues to suppress DHT levels long after discontinuing the drug. (9) Progesterone would be a better anti-DHT alternative if you are concerned with hair loss. Plus, progesterone can clear the system within 24hrs making a mistake in dosing much less risky.

3. Almost all sources of gyno can be linked back to having insufficient levels of 5a-reduced metabolites in the body. In theory, any amount of estrogen/progesterone can be blocked by sufficient DHT. (10-14) Also, high DHT and enlargement of the prostate is a myth, however high estrogen and high DHT can lead to an inflamed prostate, so you want to at least make an effort to keep estrogen in a normal range. (14)

4. Trenbolone, TREN, Nandrolone can cause gyno because they lack a potent 5a-reduced metabolite (dihydronandrolone is weaker than dihydrotestosterone). (15) If you are worried about gyno from progestational steroids you should consider boosting your 5a-reduced metabolites during the cycle (mentioned above). This can avoid most if not all of the gyno problems associated with progestational hormones. I should mention here that aromatase inhibitors alone (AI’s) will not help prevent gyno from progestational compounds. It is the antagonistic action of 5a-reduced hormones that is required.

5. Nothing is going to antagonize estrogen at the estrogen receptor (ER) better than actual DHT. While DHT derivatives or analogs such as Anavar, Winstrol, Masteron, Epistane, Superdrone, ect may be 5a-reduced, they cannot convert to actual DHT and thus cannot directly inhibit gyno at the receptor level (since they lack the ultra-high binding affinity for the AR that true DHT possesses). (16)

6. Natural anti-estrogens (resveratrol, chrysin, I3C, DIM, ect) are great for PCT and can stimulate the HPTA and manage healthy estrogen metabolism, but they are not strong enough to prevent aromatization from high doses of aromatizing steroids. Don’t rely on these to prevent gyno during a cycle.

7. Reducing prolactin will reduce the overall stimulation on mammary growth. Suppressing prolactin is useful as a temporary method to help slow or stop gyno growth. However, continuing anti-prolactin treatment is not recommended to be continued beyond 8 weeks. Methods of suppressing prolactin include –

•Vitex at 460mg/day
•Vitamin B6 at 200-400mg/day
•Mucuna Pruriens (15%-20% L-Dopa) 4-6g/day
•Increasing DHT may also lower prolactin release (17)

8. Don’t fiddle with your nipples. This increases prolactin release which can make gyno worse.

9. IGF-1, GH, insulin and prolactin are all potent growth factors in gyno growth. Limiting these hormones will reduce the likelihood of experiencing gyno symptoms. “Bulking” (aka., eating-a-shitload-of-everything) will increase most of the growth factors listed above. Cutting calories (especially carbohydrates) will suppress insulin and IGF-1 therefore reducing the overall stimulatory effect on mammary growth. Ketogenic diet = less risk of gyno.

10. Body fat (adipose tissue) is the main site for androgens to convert to estrogens. Therefore, being overweight or having high body fat increases your gyno risk. This is another good reason to go on a cutting cycle if you are gyno prone. Reducing body fat will lower your rate of estrogen conversion from aromatizing steroids. (18)

11. Caffeine consumption can inhibit clearance of estrogen from the liver by competing for the P-450 oxidase system. Avoid caffeine if you are concerned about high estrogen levels.

12. Avoid supplements containing forskolin if concerned about gyno. Forskolin increases aromatase activity via cAMP modulation and can increase formation of estrogen. (23,24)

13. Increasing fiber intake (both soluble and insoluble) can enhance clearance of estrogens from the intestines. Research shows that increasing fiber intake in humans can reduce estrogen levels by up to 22%. (19)

14. Reducing estrogen below the normal range (such as over dosing arimidex, letrozol, aromasin or formestane) can eventually reduce SHBG levels, thus allowing more estrogen to freely circulate (by offsetting it from SHBG). Higher levels of freely circulating estrogen can amplify breast tissue growth (20). SHBG also appears to have anti-estrogenic effects at the cell receptor level. (21, 22) Avoiding over suppression of SHBG will reduce your gyno risk.

15. Don’t be afraid to lower the dose mid cycle. People have a tendency to panic at the first sign of gyno and drop everything. Generally, just lowering the dose of the afflicting steroid can offer gyno relief within 4-5 days.

16. Save SERM’s as your last resort against gyno. You do not need a SERM (tormifene, clomid or nolva) to avoid gyno from a properly planned cycle. If you are still having gyno problems after following the above points, consider the fact that you have a poorly planned cycle and you need to revaluate the compounds you have chosen.
References –

1. Dihydrotestosterone may inhibit hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity by acting through estrogen receptor in the male mouse.
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3. The non-aromatizable androgen, dihydrotestosterone, induces antiestrogenic responses in the rainbow trout.
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Agricultural and Life Sciences Building, room 1007, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.

4. The androgen 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone and its metabolite 5alpha-androstan-3beta, 17beta-diol inhibit the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal response to stress by acting through estrogen receptor beta-expressing neurons in the hypothalamus.
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5. Steroid modulation of aromatase activity in human cultured breast carcinoma cells.
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8. FSH-induced aromatase activity in porcine granulosa cells: non-competitive inhibition by non-aromatizable androgens.
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17. Antagonism of estrogen-induced prolactin release by dihydrotestosterone.
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20. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology.
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23. Progestin-dependent effect of forskolin on human endometrial aromatase activity.
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24. Forskolin up-regulates aromatase (CYP19) activity and gene transcripts in the human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line H295R.
Watanabe M, Nakajin S.
J Endocrinol. 2004 Jan;180(1):125-33.
This information is so outdated! Thing first thing you want to do to combat gyno is use a serm like ralox or nolva.
tbonexl said:
This information is so outdated! Thing first thing you want to do to combat gyno is use a serm like ralox or nolva.

Thats it huh? Man thats easy.LOL
Yup pretty much. Don't have to go rubbing shit on your nuts or blaming it on tren...
Guys Eric Potratz is one of the top minds in his field and very well respected.Whether he posted this in 2010 or not has no relevance.Still has some great info in it.

If you have contradicting data as I always ask,please post it up.Im all for reading and learning new things.
F.I.S.T. said:

How can that be according to some all you need is ralox or nolva.
Yeah right!! Sore nipples and real gyno is a different story. Real gyno is not going away without a knife! Lol
tkasch30 said:
Yeah right!! Sore nipples and real gyno is a different story. Real gyno is not going away without a knife! Lol

Agreed.once its there bad and long enough,you're shit out of luck without surgery.Trick is treating it long before then.HOPEFULLY.

And every bit of help you have the better.
16 ways of whatever all that mumbo jumbo was isnt gonna do it either. You should have either ralox or nolva on hand at all times encased you get a symptom. If you already got it depending on how bad it is, surgery might be your only option. Ralox would be the preferred serm of choice. Nolva has a drug interaction with adex and can lessen its effects up to 27%. Rub that on your balls, son! Lol
If u have gyno, well u should've been using a serm and not letting it get out of hand. It is 2015. Just saying...
U would be surprised at the effectiveness of ralox. I'm not going to copy/paste a bunch of shit on it. Somebody else can when they hit refresh on the browser.
Just for one, the use of dermals. Last I checked on pubmed, last year, the best absorption rates were around 12%. Researchers are looking at different delivery systems, but nothing concrete yet. I'm not saying everything the author states is wrong, d'uh, just that yeah, there have been strides over the last 4- 5 years.
Heres more on this............

Last Updated January 9, 2015

By AN LEE, Contributing Columnist

To 10 Natural Remedies for Gynecomastia

1. Avoid Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil.

Here's the problem. Many household products contain tea tree oil or lavender oil. Lavender is a common scenting ingredient, used in colognes, body sprays, hair sprays, lotions, after shave lotions, and hair gels , to name a few. Tea tree oil has become increasing popular as a home remedy for a range of problems including skin conditions such as psoriasis.

So, if you are a man or by suffering from enlarged male breasts, you have to carefully screen every product that comes into contact with your body. You have to make sure that no product you use on your body, your face, your hair contains any amount of tea tree oil or lavender oil.

2. Avoid Exposure to Lead and Other Pollution.

Certain pollutants have been linked to gynecomastia. In particular, high levels of lead strongly increase your risk of developing larger breasts. A 2007 Flemish study of 1679 adolescents, aged 14-15 years, found that high levels of lead encouraged breast development in males. On the other hand, high levels of hexachlorobenzene in the blood decreased the risk.

3. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight.

Men who maintain a healthy body weight have a dramatically reduced risk for gynecomastia. What is your ideal body weight? It depends on your size and muscularity. Here is a chart of normal body weight for men of different heights.

4. Push-ups and Other Chest toning Exercises.
Push-ups not only help to build your biceps and triceps. They are an excellent and effective exercise for toning your pectoral muscles, which help to lift your chest vertically and diminish the appearance of enlarged breasts. Push-ups alone will not eliminate gynecomastia if your case is caused by exposure to endocrine disruptors such as tea tree oil or lavender oil.

5. Avoid Eating Soy Products.
Soy foods contain phyto-estrogens which can disrupt male androgen levels and encourage gynecomastia.

6. Use Strength-Training to Improve Overall Muscle Tone As You Age.
In addition to eating to maintain a healthy body weight, you must increase strength training to combat the natural loss of muscle --and muscle tone--as you age. Add yoga, weights such as Kettle bells and lifelong sports such as golf or tennis to your fitness routines.

7. Avoid Excess Salt.
Salt makes your body retain fluids generally and helps to increase the appearance of puffiness and fullness in the fatty tissues around your chest.

8. Consider Testosterone Creams.
Under your doctor's supervision, consider re-setting your endocrine balance by using products to increase the levels of androgens (male hormones) and decrease the levels of estrogen (female hormones) in your body.

9. Eat Fish and Other Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids increase testosterone production. A study from the University of Alberta found that mice fed diets high in omega-3 fatty acids had higher levels of testicular testosterone. as the study's lead researcher noted:"Feeding diets high in cholesterol or fish oil increased basal and LH-stimulated testosterone synthesis relative to that in animals fed the low cholesterol diet containing linseed oil."

10. Eat Foods that Increase Your Testosterone Levels
. Zinc and certain other foods have been found to naturally increase testosterone. Numerous studies have linked zinc deficiency in your diet with decreased levels of testosterone. A 1996 study from Wayne State Medical School found that restricting zinc from the diets of men made their testosterone levels drop by up to 74% after just 20 weeks. And, supplementing the diets of elderly men with zinc increased their testosterone levels by 92% in the same period. What are the signs of zinc deficiency? One of the common signs of zinc deficiency are white spots under your fingernails (Read more about important clues your fingernails give about your health).

Which foods are high in zinc?

Oysters have some of the highest levels of zinc.

Foods That Disrupt Hormonal Balance

Milk is a major source of dietary intake of estrogens.

Milk is a source of estrogen in the diet and can constitute as much as 80 percent of your dietary intake of estrogen, reports Estrogen Dominance Guide. Cows give milk while they are pregnant and nursing, so their estrogen levels are higher. Dairy livestock are also regularly given doses of hormones to increase their growth and milk production. That's why conventionally raised meats and dairy can contribute to gynecomastia.

affects the liver's ability to get rid of excess estrogen. Hops in beer and yucca also have phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic true estrogen in the body, which contributes to gynecomastia.

Eating to Promote Hormonal Balance

Eating foods high in fiber can help your body excrete excess estrogen, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower can break down estrogen into a form that's easily excreted, reports Estrogen Dominance Guide.

Increasing foods that contain
calcium and zinc can help combat gynecomastia. Calcium regulates estrogen uptake, and zinc can increase testosterone levels, reports the Baseline of Health Foundation. Oysters and red meat have high levels of zinc, but be sure to buy organic meat products. Beans are another food that can increase testosterone levels.

Always check in with your doctor before making dietary changes or beginning supplements. Natural treatments can interact with preexisting conditions and other medications.


Foods For Gynecomastia Turmeric is what gives mustard its yellow color.

Cooking foods with turmeric, also known as curcumin, can help relieve gynecomastia, reports the PSA-Rising website. Turmeric is the focus of much research today, because of its anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In January 2007, Japanese scientists found preliminary evidence that curcumin may reduce hormone sensitivity to a gene involved in prostate cancer.

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