1st cycle went great now on to my second


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Hey guys a few months ago I made a post about my 1st cycle. I mentioned that I was gyno prone from me getting some naturally going through puberty. I ended up using Test E 600mg/wk and for the 1st 8 wks I used Dbol to kick start my cycle. I started Dbol at a lower dose for the 1st week (20mg) because I didn't know how much bloat I would get and also how bad gyno would flare up. I ended up bumping it up to 40mg the next week then finally stoped at 60mg/day for the remaining weeks.

So my results I had were absolutely 0 problems with gyno or estrogen side effects. All I used to control estrogen was 20mg of Nolva/day and 12.5mg of Aromasin EOD. I got way stronger, way leaner... no bloat what so ever from both of those compounds. All I got was a little acne on delts and arms but even that was not that bad. Sex drive was great. Can't complain there. I ate like a beast... 7 meals a day. I also think what helped keep me so lean was my AI and my job. It's a lot of cardio.... non stop physical activity.

I did not end up getting a blood test done, the reason is because I switched jobs and insurance changed. Would it be good to do one now while I cruise at a smaller dose or wait till I go on a full cycle? I have no intention on coming off because I'm wanting to get in to competitive powerlifting. I picked my 1st meet I plan on competing in very early next year. (January 2016) So I have plenty of time to get stronger and get my numbers to where I want them.

I would like to run Test E again but with either Deca, NPP or Tren E or A. All of them are good for size and strength and I know the Tren is usually in its own category. I didn't have any gyno problems/estro problems with the Dbol and Test so I was thinking I would be ok with these compounds if I prepared myself like I did my 1st cycle. Have what I need on hand to combat sides like Aromasin, Nolva ect... I know I would need to add Caber just to be safe with Tren/Deca since they can cause lactation (progestin sides) What do you guys think? What's your experience?
If you want to try tren...dont start with tren e!! Try tren a first. Tren is in a league of its own...nothing else compares. Npp is real mild...hardly anyone has side effects from npp.
Ok sounds good. Is NPP good with overall strength/size? It's good to here the sides are minimal. What in your opinion though will give me overall best strength gains... maybe a little more size too but I'm not looking to add like 30lbs or something like that. Ideally I would love to compete at the 198lb weight division. Absolutely no more than the 220lbs weight class. My morning weight is already at 200lb give or take a lb or 2.
Best size strength for me

Superdrol bar none.
DECA, tren, npp all good choices but DECA some bloat bad off of
You ll get different opinions here. I hate superdrol...makes you very tired ..wouldnt recommend it to anyone. Hardly any vendor sells superdrol...with good reason...imo its crap. Tren is best for bulking or cutting. Npp is good for both also but not even close to as powerful. Tren has bad side effects..but not to everyone. I get very few sides from tren. None bother memuch. Deca is pretty much same as npp..but more side effects and slower acting. Eq has almost no side effects in most people also. Tren has bad side effects but results are amazing...npp results are good but it will not amaze you. Lol
if you have gyno now youre gyno prone, you must have used good AI to not see iddues on Bbol or it was bunk

since we're talking power user and body fat is not a concern, NPP or Deca all the way, its calorie dependent and you can eat like a horse and grow till next year, i prefer NPP but shots are larger and more frequent, although really every three days is fine but your doing larger injections (100 mg per ml vbz 300 mg per ml) id do Deca at 900 MG M/W/F 300 mg each day with test on Monday Friday at least 500 or 600 is good

those two are fine same AI approach you used before
HulkSmashes said:
I did not end up getting a blood test done, the reason is because I switched jobs and insurance changed. Would it be good to do one now while I cruise at a smaller dose or wait till I go on a full cycle?
If, while on cycle, you get bloods done and paid for by your insurance company(or done at a doctors office), they are going report the results to your permanent medical record, and other insurance companies and doctors(and probably the government) are going to know that your T levels, E levels were higher than 'normal' range.

My guess is that if you get them tested at a private lab company, and have the results sent only to you, that shouldn't be the case. And, of course, if you pay in cash using a fictitional name, that would be best of all.
Far from crap, just not a standard.oral.
Every gear some have sides others don't.
Proper support sups sdrol is awesome..
I knew there would be mixed reviews on what to take and what you guys like. I'll take everything into consideration. My Aromasin and Dbol came from legit Vendors on here and they also happen to still be on here. I know shit can be bunk... but after being on here for a bit researching and reading vedor reviews I doubt they were bunk. At most and I mean at most I had a slight tingle in my nips...left nip more noticeable. But it was so minimal.

Yes, I'm getting into powerlifting but I wanna stay on the leaner side. Powerlifting these days guys are looking and staying leaning year round and or when they compete. So now that you know I'd like to stay relatively leaner would NPP or Deca still be suitable? Or should I run Tren A 100mg M/W/F along with Test E. @ 250-300mg/wk?
glad you got the stuff from someone here, Dbol is an estrogen bomb and needs to be controlled if you're sensitive

when I talk lean for a power lifter i assume you're happy if you see shadows of abs, say 15 % , if you're wanting to look like Mike O'Hearn you got years of work ahead.

so things to consider , mass and strength. to me NPP or any Nadrolone variant Deca is going to produce great growth and mass. its capable of synthesizing large calories and maintaining the positive nitrogen ring necessary for anabolic growth, tren is awesome for everything, but getting huge has never been something Ive seen on it, strength and definition and awesome muscularity but thats probable simply my genetics, you might grow well on tren, in fact Tren is simply the best single compound bar NONE

if you want a M/W/F scheduled you're on tren E, for me i say the tren A needs daily shots, simply because when you're unstable in the levels you get the bad side effects like acne (I do) so id say daily with Tren A for the best results, start lower and ramp up, i do 50 and by the second week in raising it 10 mg a week till im at 80 whitch seems like a good number for me, if you want 100 thats great i dont weigh as much you can do a great tren and test blast and see fantastic results, if you can stay lean i see way lower side effect, i dont sweat at night or have sleep issues once my BF is under 10 % unless i eat crap then tren shuttles all that blood glucose into the muscle and its release as heat meaning sweat

so do the tren, you will never go back, dont be afraid of the side effect rumors until you see them yourself, another reason for tren A you cut it and 2 days layer you're clean.

but eat well and i dont get sides after the first 4 weeks, also don't be afraid to stay on that stuff a while, do 15 or 16 weeks and just monitor blood and take your organ support supplements
Ok. If I go with Tren A but would like to stick to a M/W/F pin schedule what dose would u recommend? Should I still use Nolva 20mg ED and use my Aromasin 12.5 EOD? I might have to tweek Aromasin due to the Tren right?
Pin tren a every other day. Some says theres less sides if you pin everyday but i never found that to be true. Some people need to run caber with tren but for me i never do. If estrogen is kept under control prolactin will be no issue. It never hurts to have every thing on hand just incase tho. You dont need to change your armosin dose with tren just akways be in the look out for gyno. Start tren a at 75mg every other day and bump it up higher if the sides are the managable.
So basically if I use Aromasin to kill some of estrogen I shouldn't lactate, correct? Since in order to lactate you would need higher amounts of estrogen and if I'm on Aromasin ED or EOD I SHOULD be good...
Ya keeping your estrogen low should keep away any prolactin problems. I would do aromasin ed. My advice is always have multiple ai's on hand from different sources. You never know when one is underdosed, fake, was labeled wrong....who knows what. Just make sure you more then covered. Dont be one of these guys that say my gyno is flarring up, i ran out or my stuff is no good then you got to wait days for stuff to get here. Its always better to have too much
All great advice here from the others but to be honest brother,for only your 2nd cycle I would stick with what worked for you on your first.There's really no need to add any other compounds so quickly.The sooner you start taking multiple compounds,the sooner you will build up a tolerance to them and need more and higher doses to reap the same rewards as the earlier cycles.Why rush? The slower more steady gains are the more PERMANENT ones.

After only 1 cycle,trust me,you have no way maxed out on your potential from a test alone cycle.Sure the dbol or drol is good to add into it but that would be in IMHO.Its not so much that adding Deca or NPP will harm you as much as they are really not needed at this point.I would run the same cycle,switch up your training style and/or routine to a completely different one and BANG IT OUT IN THE GYM with maximum effort bro.Also,as always,diet is the ultimate deciding factor in what gains you will make so EAT EAT EAT!!

Good luck brother.Keep us posted with how it goes.

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