1st tren cycle


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I start my 1st tren cycle tomorrow.
I'll run test w/it I was thinkin 500/600mg
The tren is E 200
Ive got my ai but is there anything else I need on hand?
Caber... a lot of times you can keep prolactin sides in check by keeping your estro levels in check with an ai...but long ester tren, definitely get some caber and keep it on hand. If you sides that kick your ass, the longer ester will only give you one option...to ride it out.

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a lot say to have caber, I never did.

I'd have a bp monitor though...

Check it often, I do
You looking at twice a week with the Tren E?

Bump Apache....I've never used Caber, but I use Tren A and I keep Nolva handy with it.
I take 20mg nolva Ed to block the e2 receptors, then control free e2 with adex. No prolactin or estrogen sides on 1200mg tren a/e blend, 1500 test p/e, 800mg EQ.
Have fun bro! But if you ever start to lose it, remind your self your on tren and to take a step back from knocking that dude out!
Bah tren makes me relaxed!
GRIM said:
Bah tren makes me relaxed!
REason being, your nuts ;D

Tren should NEVER give you Tren Cough.

The darker the oil does not mean the better Tren, just means the Chemist did not have an eye on his brew and it oxidized beyond a quality compound.
flash83 said:
I start my 1st tren cycle tomorrow.
I'll run test w/it I was thinkin 500/600mg
The tren is E 200
Ive got my ai but is there anything else I need on hand?
yeah trade that tren E for Tren A with someone on the board here and don't make the same mistake I did in my first Tren cycle. You're locked into E when the sides start bro, and trust me you're going to get them....... You need to start with A then you can adjust accordingly due to the shorter ester of the A Tren is no friend your first time bro. Wait a lil and do it right with A
lith56bigguy said:
yeah trade that tren E for Tren A with someone on the board here and don't make the same mistake I did in my first Tren cycle. You're locked into E when the sides start bro, and trust me you're going to get them....... You need to start with A then you can adjust accordingly due to the shorter ester of the A Tren is no friend your first time bro. Wait a lil and do it right with A
I agree here. For a 1st timer on tren, IMO tren A is the better way to go. Lower doses and if its to much then its in and out in 3 days and not taking 2 weeks to be out of your system. I have yet to do Tren E and probably never will just as the sides can kick you in the head pretty fast at times. Just my 2ccs
We all love to hate and hate to love TREN! I agree Tren E sides can be brutal. It's worse
if you have Asthma like myself. Nice cycle though mane! Run that BISH! ;D
dont waste time with high test while on tren, High test will increase E2 and high e2 prevents the de novo lipogenesis process. Best to use test as a maintenance level and use tren as the primary AAS IMO
prolactin sides on tren are over blown... a lot theorize that tren does not activate it like deca does.. it does bind to the progestin receptors but does activate them... like nolva binds to estrogen receptors but doesn't activate them.
what to have on hand is ALWAYS per person. Most say to use caber through out the cycle howver i have never used it myself. Just depends on how you react to it, i would say to use ace your first time going, just so you can see what sides you will get from it. I dont get the sides from tren that most get, just loss of sleep and night sweats.
Dont think u will see much 200mgs tren e like mr B said let the tren do the work im barely on maybe 75mgs test ew. You should use tren ace many will disagree but it's better I cant explain why it just is lol

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