2 bad gear experiences with on board vendors

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So this isn't my issue but a close friend of mine. He's never juiced prior to this so he asked me to guide him and he himself did his own homework. I placed a small order for him with a vendor here of Test E and Tbol (I have used this vendors juice and in my experience it was smooth). Beginning of his cycle he said the pins were extremely painful and left him crippled for days but he was still gaining a good amount of muscle so he continued with his painful pinning. He developed a small ball sized lump on his ass cheek and almost went to the hospital but he resisted because he did not want to be questioned. He also got a bit of gyno but he knew he was prone due to pro hormones he used in the past. Not the main issue tho. He finally concluded his cycle made good gains but overall his experience was painful. He recently started his 2nd cycle ever and he asked me to get it from a different vendor this time so I did. He's done a total of 2 shots this cycle and again he says the pins are painful and he's having a hard time recovering from them. He just texted me right now saying he's having extreme stomach pain, flu symptoms, headaches and fever and wanting to puke. He can't eat he can't sleep. He says it can't be his fault because he's being extremely sterile wiping everything off with alcohol, showering ect. Can someone chime in on this quickly please he's debating if to go to the hospital right now but he doesn't want to say he's on juice. What can these symptoms mean? Is the juice bad or is it simply his body that cannot take it? Never heard of this experience with these 2 vendors. If he ends up going to the hospital should he say he's on juice?
Yes he should go to the hospital and yes he should say he's on steroids and what steroid.

There's a law that protects his medical records from employers, family and friends and that's called the HIPPA law. So anything that he says to the doctor is confidential.

Your friend may get sicker or develop a serious infection. I've never heard of people developing his symptoms on this boards vendors but I have heard of people having issues their first few cycles.

Tell him go to the doctor and be honest about everything.
He wants to sleep it off. Forgot to mention he's also taking superdrol
Just a question...why is he taking a Prohormone along with regular gear? It's just my opinion that a person will have more negative sides than gear. The combination may be toxic in his system.

Also, what does his cycle look like? What is he on, how much, and how often?
your friend doesnt seem to have good genetics for using hormones. some guys really do have this, most guys do just fine and some (i know some guys that have this) guys have ALL the bad sides in the world just from taking some test. just not meant to take hormones
There's a great possibility your friend is Fucking idiot honestly. Probably doesn't know how to properly do injections. A batch of gear is large and if it was really causing infections with him, many other would be infected too.
This sounds like rookie shit you would see on an open source board. Best thing he can do is go to a hospital and tell them he is too dumb to do injections. As stated above. If it were a vendor here, multiple people would be having the same issues. I have not come across one issue of an infection since I have been here. These kinds of questions upset me. We all know what we are risking and what to do if we get in infection. If its bad, bite the bullet, make up a story and go to fucking doc before you get real bad.

Ok I will be a little more helpful. I suppose he could be having an allergic reaction to the carrier oils. In any case he should probably reconsider steroids.
some dudes just dont know how to use hormones. i knew a dude he started injections and quit after 8 days...becaue of pain. stupid shit like that, these guys give AAS a bad name while others use for years and never anything bad happens. i myself have pinned thousands of times and never had 1 bad thing happen, not once.
Only thing I could say would be that he's getting a allergic reaction which is stated above. Other than that idk
well hes a Noob and if hes slamming it in there real fast that damages the tissue and it will hurt every time for 3 days or more. assuming its not an allergy unless he's using high mg / or a blend with something in it. More Likely rookie issues with pushing to hard
I have a close friend that experienced almost that same situation. It literally sounds like you are speaking of him. He tried three vendors, all three made him ultra sick, horrible pain etc. he could not go to work etc....he kept telling me he is allergic to test haha

He let things settle down, and once he was off for a while and totally healed, he started SLOWLY. Just testosterone, no orals and start with a low dose. Maybe 200 for a week, then 300 for a week, then 4, then 5. It worked for him. Also my friend gets gyno, needless to say I suggested him always use an ai and stay away from the heavy aromatising steroids and orals.

Just my opinion, but I don't think there is alot a hospital can do for test flu. It's sometimes just the way your body deals with extreme hormone fluctuations. Another thing to think about is once you go to the hospital and admit illegal steroid use it is in your permanent record. Who knows down the line, you may have an ailment and it can be written off medically from steroid use, just food for thought. If your friend has an infection that is another story.

If infection is a possibility there will be s red circle around the injection site. Draw a circle around the red with a sharpie, see in time if the red is growing. If so, needless to say the hospital is probably the best route.
when i first started this shit...PIP was way more than i had anticipated... it has gotten better over time. virgin muscles do hurt worse and i didn't believe that but i do now.

now and then some gear gives me more PIP than others... sometimes no PIP whatsoever.

got some recently that was giving me some terrible PIP... got tips from vets here that helped me and got it down to the normal bruise feeling PIP. (heating the gear... partially crashed...)

i had some older gear (ordered over 2 years ago...ran it...all good at the time) that was giving me fever and flu like symptoms this time.. it was from a very trusted vendor ... but i trashed it...

these are the risk and things you do to play this game... even pharma test has caused me some decent PIP... some injections just hurt sometimes..(close to nerves , veins, something?)

if you want no PIP at all..ever.. lol... stick with orals only...lol.

if it's 2 different vendors ... this guy just may not be ready for this shit...
I have a close friend that experienced almost that same situation. It literally sounds like you are speaking of him. He tried three vendors, all three made him ultra sick, horrible pain etc. he could not go to work etc....he kept telling me he is allergic to test haha

He let things settle down, and once he was off for a while and totally healed, he started SLOWLY. Just testosterone, no orals and start with a low dose. Maybe 200 for a week, then 300 for a week, then 4, then 5. It worked for him. Also my friend gets gyno, needless to say I suggested him always use an ai and stay away from the heavy aromatising steroids and orals.

Just my opinion, but I don't think there is alot a hospital can do for test flu. It's sometimes just the way your body deals with extreme hormone fluctuations. Another thing to think about is once you go to the hospital and admit illegal steroid use it is in your permanent record. Who knows down the line, you may have an ailment and it can be written off medically from steroid use, just food for thought. If your friend has an infection that is another story.

If infection is a possibility there will be s red circle around the injection site. Draw a circle around the red with a sharpie, see in time if the red is growing. If so, needless to say the hospital is probably the best route.

that is some A+ advice right there
Always start noobs in the glute, it is the easiest to hit. NO QUADS. Shoulders are ok too.

If he is in a cool climate he needs to check the hormones for crashing. there are several posts here on how to reheat.

Virgin Muscle always takes some time to get used to hormone.

Shaky hands on injection can cause severe internal muscle damage also. (Just covering bases here)

Sounds like it is not the gear but the user, unless the gear has crashed slightly.

Advice, Start very low as suggested above with one hormone, warm the oil first (supposing it is not crashed).
Agreed be could be storing the gear in a cold place, maybe in trying to hide it.
Poor injection techniques.
Also what size gauge is he using to inject and is he using a different pin to draw and inject.
Most noobs need a 23g to develop technique before they move to a 25g. A newb using a 25g will move their hand a lot due to the longer injection time and cause tissue damage.
I seen guys use a 21g because that's what their dealer or buddy gave them.. They used the same 21g ro draw and inject ouch... smh

Seems to me like it's all about the user here. Also i hope he's using normal dosed gear.
21 gauge to inject ??Mutha fucker look out,here comes the juice.lol
Anonymous said:
21 gauge to inject ??Mutha fucker look out,here comes the juice.lol
AnonymousSome guys just dont know any better to them a pin is just pin. No clue that 25g is smaller in diameter than a 20g.
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