-23 lbs and 7% in 60 days


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
VIP Member
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EG Cash
I can't seem to find a before pic but here's my 60 day weigh in. Lol Down from 247lbs to 224 lbs. I didn't lost any numbers on my lifts. I'm going to try to shed another 7-10lbs over the next 2-3 weeks.
keep going it will be spring before you know it and you're moving in a great direction
I'm just counting calories. 2 x 40g shakes 1 pwo 1 at bedtime. I eat 1 balanced meal a day...chicken or fish little carbs and fat. If I'm feeling shaky I eat small amt good carbs or if I'm feeling hungry I'll have a 2-4oz of evo. Drink roughly 2 gallons water a day with lemon. 2oz apple cider vinegar before eating if possible.
I'm at 1000 cals a day this week. 6'2" tall

damn brother... that is very low!!!... why so low?... seems a guy your size would drop the weight on 2000 or more.

not knocking you... great job on the discipline and progress. just thinking you may be making it too hard. i have never heard of a diet that low
krustus said:
damn brother... that is very low!!!... why so low?... seems a guy your size would drop the weight on 2000 or more.

not knocking you... great job on the discipline and progress. just thinking you may be making it too hard. i have never heard of a diet that low
I have heard of diets that low, but mainly for women in the bikini division. Your results are outstanding, and definitely not knocking them by any means....just that diet regimen is awful.
I started at 2200 and - 200-300 a week. I'm at 1000 until Saturday...I will eat like a king!
I started at 2200 and - 200-300 a week. I'm at 1000 until Saturday...I will eat like a king!

why the drop every week?... seems unnecessary?...like only drop when progress stalls.

again bro i'm not knocking you and your progress.. it is very good... and i eat very different than most here so i understand doing it your own way...

i don't cut cals that low personally because the loss may be unsustainable... which would be ok if it was for a photshoot or contest that i only needed to look good for a day... but i don't want to get to a low bodyfat that i can't hold for a longer period ..(lol... not that i have really been below 10%)
Funny you mention it...I have a photo shoot in 2 weeks...is the reasoning for extreme dieting.
ok... that makes sense friend.... good luck... hope you do great... is it fitness pics...?
hell yeah!!!! sexy....lol... not hating bro... wish i had the bod for that
Gotta say....very concerned about that low of a caloric intake. I know women 5'4'' and 125lbs that wouldn't dare go that low in calories. If you're not going to sustain this extreme deficit to long, then that's perfect. Just make sure you reverse diet out of it to make sure you don't blow up like a puffer fish in a shark tank.
Not that long ago I fell off diet a few days here and there while being strict on point the other amount of time. I found from this experience I still lost weight at 2,200 calories (really mind blowing) as I always diet a starting target of 1,500 calories.

I find it habit to always starve myself into quick fat loss. Photo shoot? Nothing like a paycheck to motivate.

Make that money boo boo.

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