3cc Vaccine in the tricep


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash

Hopefully the picture from the article displays - I'm on mobile. Some lady from the 50s gets a vaccine in the arm. Nowhere near the delt.
Also, apparently they made all the vaccines in January. I guess that's the point but I can't get past the photo of the 3cc pin in the bone or whatever he shoved it in.
This doesn’t surprise me.
Honestly, I think Covid is a form of population control, but there’s a lot of theories on what this virus is. But if this article is correct, the government already has a cure for all these diseases, but individuals decide when and where to give out these “ vaccines “ .
We live in a fucked up world my friends !!!
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This doesn’t surprise me.
Honestly, I think Covid is a form of population control, but there’s a lot of theories on what this virus is. But if this article is correct, the government already has a cure for all these diseases, but individuals decide when and where to give out these “ vaccines “ .
We live in a fucked up world my friends !!!
TorresI think the virus and vaccine are legit, but whatever vaccine that was they rolled out in the 60s or whenever (too lazy to look it up at the moment) that killed a few kids really set us back permanently here in the land of over-regulation of everything.

Now we've spent 10 months doing trials on something that could help while the bodies pile up in the hundreds of thousands.

To be honest, if our government wanted population control, they should have never passed the Harrison Narcotics Act, turned a blind eye to the opioid epidemic, etc.

Both the clinical trials (or the wall the FDA puts between us and life-saving therapies/vaccines in general) and the narcotics laws (and steroid laws etc) are predicated on the assumption that humans shouldn't be in charge of what they put in their own bodies - like we couldn't have been given a choice with the vaccine back in February or March after reasonable testing was done and we signed a waiver.
This doesn’t surprise me.
Honestly, I think Covid is a form of population control, but there’s a lot of theories on what this virus is. But if this article is correct, the government already has a cure for all these diseases, but individuals decide when and where to give out these “ vaccines “ .
We live in a fucked up world my friends !!!
TorresOh man!!!!
I completely agree. You have massive pharma companies and governments than stand to profit from pandemics, i even dare to say that it goes as far as different countries working together to "test" on a human population and it may get out of control. But I feel they have stuff stock pile to combat certain situations that may arise.
Then its just a matter of pointing the finger on some other country for the out break, usually one that is not an Allie. Dont get me started lol.
This doesn’t surprise me.
Honestly, I think Covid is a form of population control, but there’s a lot of theories on what this virus is. But if this article is correct, the government already has a cure for all these diseases, but individuals decide when and where to give out these “ vaccines “ .
We live in a fucked up world my friends !!!
TorresIf you research COVID, there are many different strains that existed before this out break even.
I sawa syringe container at a bass pro shop months ago that said COVID certified and was dated 2018....
@GoPro Yes , I agree with you that Big Pharma has vaccines and cures for a lot, if not all these diseases and viruses, but it’s more beneficial to them to hold on to them and feed people drugs that will just push back the effects of these diseases but not cure them . I’m not saying all these drugs do is prolong things, because I’m sure some DO work, but it’s not , like I said , beneficial to them to give these cures and save people from dieing.
Imagine the population if nobody died from disease, viruses, etc... It would be pandemonium. Maybe it is or maybe it isn’t population control, but there is a hidden agenda.
My Opinion!!

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