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EG Cash
Dear lord
I'm going on 41 years of juicing this year.
I don't know when I got so old. I should be posting up pics of the 41 year journey, but I need to do a lot of searching for the pics.
I have never really had any problems yet.
Except minor things
CPK level went sky high one time, felt like hell, lost 20 pounds in like 4 days, doc said my muscle was cannibalizing me? It was from Deca, never tried again
Another time, blood was to thick to pass through the heart the blood doc said. I passed out carrying stuff up a bunch of stairs, Sucked
I just make sure I give blood.
Last thing was
Heart problems the other year. Leaky heart valve and premature heart beat knocking the next beats out.
BUT- everything is great now since I got my hip replacement.
Doc said he thinks it was from the nerve pain or something like that in the hip.

From the first cycle I was hooked.
At 15 years old
A cop at my gym and a few fire men liked how hard I worked and how strong I was, the brought me with them to the pharmacy where I got Anavar to start. My arms got huge, it was so crazy.
I know 15, so stupid. I didn't know, cops are supposed to be good right? Trust the police and a priest right?
Ok, I shouldn't go there with the priest.
Think the best results for me is test and EQ with MK-677.
Tren makes me gain huge weight and gets me super shredded and hard at the same time. The original finaplex Crazy that you can gain 20 lbs. And get into the single digit body fat at the same time. I was eating like shit. My one 10 min morning break every day, I would have an apple Danish thing in a box, 2700 calories. Breakfast was a protein shake and 6 waffles.
It was so good. Half gallon of ice cream every night. Was great.
As I posted in another post Tren makes me crazy as all hell. BUT , if I use Mast with it, I am great and get no side affects at all.
Dear lord
I'm going on 41 years of juicing this year.
I don't know when I got so old. I should be posting up pics of the 41 year journey, but I need to do a lot of searching for the pics.
I have never really had any problems yet.
Except minor things
CPK level went sky high one time, felt like hell, lost 20 pounds in like 4 days, doc said my muscle was cannibalizing me? It was from Deca, never tried again
Another time, blood was to thick to pass through the heart the blood doc said. I passed out carrying stuff up a bunch of stairs, Sucked
I just make sure I give blood.
Last thing was
Heart problems the other year. Leaky heart valve and premature heart beat knocking the next beats out.
BUT- everything is great now since I got my hip replacement.
Doc said he thinks it was from the nerve pain or something like that in the hip.

From the first cycle I was hooked.
At 15 years old
A cop at my gym and a few fire men liked how hard I worked and how strong I was, the brought me with them to the pharmacy where I got Anavar to start. My arms got huge, it was so crazy.
I know 15, so stupid. I didn't know, cops are supposed to be good right? Trust the police and a priest right?
Ok, I shouldn't go there with the priest.
Think the best results for me is test and EQ with MK-677.
Tren makes me gain huge weight and gets me super shredded and hard at the same time. The original finaplex Crazy that you can gain 20 lbs. And get into the single digit body fat at the same time. I was eating like shit. My one 10 min morning break every day, I would have an apple Danish thing in a box, 2700 calories. Breakfast was a protein shake and 6 waffles.
It was so good. Half gallon of ice cream every night. Was great.
As I posted in another post Tren makes me crazy as all hell. BUT , if I use Mast with it, I am great and get no side affects at all.
squatsterThats a long freaking time.

If you could change one thing what would it be?
Dear lord
I'm going on 41 years of juicing this year.
I don't know when I got so old. I should be posting up pics of the 41 year journey, but I need to do a lot of searching for the pics.
I have never really had any problems yet.
Except minor things
CPK level went sky high one time, felt like hell, lost 20 pounds in like 4 days, doc said my muscle was cannibalizing me? It was from Deca, never tried again
Another time, blood was to thick to pass through the heart the blood doc said. I passed out carrying stuff up a bunch of stairs, Sucked
I just make sure I give blood.
Last thing was
Heart problems the other year. Leaky heart valve and premature heart beat knocking the next beats out.
BUT- everything is great now since I got my hip replacement.
Doc said he thinks it was from the nerve pain or something like that in the hip.

From the first cycle I was hooked.
At 15 years old
A cop at my gym and a few fire men liked how hard I worked and how strong I was, the brought me with them to the pharmacy where I got Anavar to start. My arms got huge, it was so crazy.
I know 15, so stupid. I didn't know, cops are supposed to be good right? Trust the police and a priest right?
Ok, I shouldn't go there with the priest.
Think the best results for me is test and EQ with MK-677.
Tren makes me gain huge weight and gets me super shredded and hard at the same time. The original finaplex Crazy that you can gain 20 lbs. And get into the single digit body fat at the same time. I was eating like shit. My one 10 min morning break every day, I would have an apple Danish thing in a box, 2700 calories. Breakfast was a protein shake and 6 waffles.
It was so good. Half gallon of ice cream every night. Was great.
As I posted in another post Tren makes me crazy as all hell. BUT , if I use Mast with it, I am great and get no side affects at all.
squatsterSo you’re hip to the juice now eh. Get it, the hip replacement.
Dear lord
I'm going on 41 years of juicing this year.
I don't know when I got so old. I should be posting up pics of the 41 year journey, but I need to do a lot of searching for the pics.
I have never really had any problems yet.
Except minor things
CPK level went sky high one time, felt like hell, lost 20 pounds in like 4 days, doc said my muscle was cannibalizing me? It was from Deca, never tried again
Another time, blood was to thick to pass through the heart the blood doc said. I passed out carrying stuff up a bunch of stairs, Sucked
I just make sure I give blood.
Last thing was
Heart problems the other year. Leaky heart valve and premature heart beat knocking the next beats out.
BUT- everything is great now since I got my hip replacement.
Doc said he thinks it was from the nerve pain or something like that in the hip.

From the first cycle I was hooked.
At 15 years old
A cop at my gym and a few fire men liked how hard I worked and how strong I was, the brought me with them to the pharmacy where I got Anavar to start. My arms got huge, it was so crazy.
I know 15, so stupid. I didn't know, cops are supposed to be good right? Trust the police and a priest right?
Ok, I shouldn't go there with the priest.
Think the best results for me is test and EQ with MK-677.
Tren makes me gain huge weight and gets me super shredded and hard at the same time. The original finaplex Crazy that you can gain 20 lbs. And get into the single digit body fat at the same time. I was eating like shit. My one 10 min morning break every day, I would have an apple Danish thing in a box, 2700 calories. Breakfast was a protein shake and 6 waffles.
It was so good. Half gallon of ice cream every night. Was great.
As I posted in another post Tren makes me crazy as all hell. BUT , if I use Mast with it, I am great and get no side affects at all.
squatsterfuck yes, tren with mast works wonders and keeps you more grounded, ive noticed that too!. Thats great that you have 41 years of experience, i got combined 10 years but because ive been on and off a lot lol ive taken many breaks for years at a time and then blast/cruise for a few years, mostly because of life changes etc
fuck yes, tren with mast works wonders and keeps you more grounded, ive noticed that too!. Thats great that you have 41 years of experience, i got combined 10 years but because ive been on and off a lot lol ive taken many breaks for years at a time and then blast/cruise for a few years, mostly because of life changes etc
kragonThat's Interesting I'll have to try that. I do love mast. He'll if it can help me on tren then I might just run some this summer for the shit of it to try as an experiment to see if it really help and pay attention to the tren. Been years and year since I ran any tren.
I am off and on like you too. Just do it as life allows. Or when I feel like I'm smaller than I like. But I have been on cruising for years on end now. On trt from the doc and just blast to get some size or a certain look now.

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