A weird-ass sensation?


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I did my usual stick yesterday (Monday / Thursday) and got a very strange reaction as soon as the plunger went down. In the syringe i had a mixture of Test E @ 100mg ... Test C @ 100mg ... TNE @ 50mg .. Tren Base @ 25mg. I stuck my left quad and plunged. As soon as the syringe was emptied I got real light headed then I could feel a real electrical type tingling going across my traps. As soon as the tingling stopped I felt two pin-points of pain at the base of my skull. They were on a perfect horizontal line but on both sides of my skull. The pin-points then moved down to the back of my neck...once again perfectly horizontal on both sides of my neck. Then down my to traps in the same fashion. The way it moved down my neck and traps was almost like a traffic light going from green to yellow to red. When the pain occurred it felt like two hot pins being pushed into my skin. As soon as that ended the tingling ran down my right arm causing my elbow to ache. Then the tingling ran down my left arm and made the tip of my index finger feel like it was on fire. Also the tingling ran down my left leg to my foot and made my big toe feel as if it was on fire. Now this all took place in about 15 seconds. So the question is "what tbe hell happened"? Im think I must have injected directly on a nerve...Has anyone else had anything happen similar to this? Maybe the acid I dropped in the 80s has caught up with me!
Thats obvious man! I got a boner one time for real injecting into the quad and then the next day I couldnt fucken walk. :-\
no you hit a blood vessel/vein, etc.... if you had or tasted the metal feeling.... Are you pulling back to check for blood when the needle is positioned?

I did this a few years ago and was scared shitless. My heart started to race like mad also. Not a good thing.

Always pull back, if you see blood in the needle bottom, pull it out and replace with a new one and re stick.......... Please be careful...
Ok...I do remember my tongue tingling. Ok...will do and thanks for the advice. It did scare the shit out of me.
lith56bigguy said:
always pull back..... its serious shit.
lith56bigguyI always aspirate, lots of guys just plunge and go! But, be warned....it's not fool proof. You can go right through a vein and it won't register in the pin until you pull the needle out......You'll know by the instant coughing attack and blood everywhere.
I tried to use the term we all understand "pull back" Mr Tsize super mod is more advance than us. He aspirates..... lmao
The biggest prob I have is my quads are very vascular...should I go glute or delt? Or just pull back and keel nailing my quads
mine too. I go higher than most people do and drive the needle right through. Iv'e hit nerves that shot the needle out of my hand however when I "aspirate" I havent seen anything.
You fired directly into a vein!!!!
You must be hitting your quads in the wrong area..you have the same amount of arteries veins as every other human...there are spots you are very unlikely to hit veins in the quad,
And some that are more likely. Take a look at an inject chart.
Agree w/ Edge!!! U hit a vein or nerve and that the reason y I RARELY hit quads !!! If I do it quads I look really good to make sure the spot I hit doesn't have a vein !!!
Here for u vein boobs like torres
Notice the outer /side of leg has much fewer veins? Now for some that area leaves more pip, it does for me. I hit both the top and the outside. And I move all around in those areas

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Also notice higher on the quad there is less veins..aim for these areas
I hit a nerve left quad last week...i knew as soon as I hit it and my whole quad started to shake...I hit quads alot and have only hit a nerve maybe 3 times.

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