AAS and Immune System - Not all AAS are Immunosuppressive, but why?


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Had this sent to me and read through it and thought it had some great info that I wanted to pass along and see what you guys think......

AAS and Immune System - Not all AAS are Immunosuppressive, but why?

Hey Guys,

There's a lot, sorry if it's too long for some of you.

Hopefully by now, many of us AAS users have heard that AAS are immunosuppressive.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763400000270) This is the generally accepted conclusion as dictated by current research. I thought to myself that since this is the case, we should hear anecdotal reports of AAS users being alleviated of symptoms associated with some of those autoimmune diseases during AAS cycles due to the immunosuppressive effects of AAS. After a few google searches, sure enough I found some:

In order to follow sub-rules, I am not posting links to forums laden with ads, but you can google the following if interested:

- "Why do steroids help my auto-immune disease? Need advice PLEASE" - Readers' Letters - Anabolic Steroids for Multiple Sclerosis (http://www.medibolics.com/letter2.htm)- "Dbol and Crohn's Disease?"

But then I got confused as hell while chasing the rabbit hole, when I came across this study: Deca has been shown to enhance the activity of macrophages and cell-mediated immune activity, & reduce the incidence of post-operative infection suggesting an immunostimulatory effect. I found other studies supporting the same thing: that AAS can also stimulate the immune system.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6486833)

In this 2008 abstract, the researchers note that "literature generally indicates that supraphysiologic doses of AAS with an intact steroid nucleus are immunosuppressive, that is they reduce immune cell number and function. While those with alterations to the steroid nucleus are immunostimulatory as they induce the proliferation of T cells and other immune cells. Specifically, several common AAS have been shown to adversely influence lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation, antibody production, Natural Killer Cytotoxic activity and the production of certain cytokines, thereby altering the immune reaction.".(http://link.springer.com/article/10.2478/s11535-008-0058-x)

Another study, Anabolic steroid effects on immune function: differences between analogues, comes to the same conclusion, listing testolactone, Oxandrolone, and stanozolol as immunostimulants and Test (suspension?) and Test Prop as immunosuppressants.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2242353)

The chemistry of it all is a bit over my head, but what I am gathering is that if a modification, for a reason unknown to me, is made to the "steroid nucleus", or the gonane, the steroid has more immunostimulatory properties versus if left unaltered, immunosuppressive. If someone smarter than me can make sense of this, please let me know if this sounds right. I don't want to be spreading misinformation. Also, what counts as a modification? Do the modifications in red in this image count? If so, why is nandrolone seem to be an immunostimulant, but with no modifications made to the gonane? (http://resources.ama.uk.com/glowm_www/graphics/figures/v5/0010/001f.jpg) (https://imgur.com/duqH1PZ) (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Nandrolone.svg/640px-Nandrolone.svg.png)

I get that being immunosuppressive versus immunostimulant may not be as black and white as just having and altered gonane or not. It makes sence given the seemingly countless mechanisms in which steroids act on an organism, that it could be a combination of things. Similarly, I understand that "immune system" is a hugely broad term, and that AAS can affect one or more components of that system. I just wanted to see if others could provide insight. Additionally, what have your experiences been with autoimmune disorders and AAS?

Hope we get some good convo going.

Additional and helpful reading for those interested: Medibolics - AAS for Immune Therapy Steroid Nomenclature (http://www.medibolics.com/litref2.htm)
I didn't read all that but I did see something about crohns disease..I have chrons and have had it for about 15 yrs.I started aas about 5 yrs ago and have only had 1 flare up in this 5 yrs..I don't know what or why I say its the aas helping.lol I also used to have to watch what I ate now hell I can eat anything😉
Joebad1 said:
I didn't read all that but I did see something about crohns disease..I have chrons and have had it for about 15 yrs.I started aas about 5 yrs ago and have only had 1 flare up in this 5 yrs..I don't know what or why I say its the aas helping.lol I also used to have to watch what I ate now hell I can eat anything😉
Thanks for the personal feedback brother.I always like to hear from those that have a firsthand knowledge of something.I am fortunate enough not to have any diseases (Thank God) so I cant say with a accurate assessment of these studies.
I have wondered if the aas were the reason I wasn't having any flareups maybe I need to read more into this//thank you
Joebad1 said:
I have wondered if the aas were the reason I wasn't having any flareups maybe I need to read more into this//thank you

Could be man.Many are claiming exactly that.Not that the medical world wants anyone to know so would never want this info to go worldwide.Funny how they always make claims of how these are only "ANECDOTAL" claims and not backed by science.I always wonder for how long and how many people have to make these "anecdotal" claims before they finally just say "OK,ITS FACT"? But then I remember that thats not what keeps the medical money train rolling.LMFAO.

You're very welcome and thanks again for reading it and for the reply.

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