AAS User


Crazy Old Bastard
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I posted this on one other forum, but I believe I could target a few more bro's and seasoned guys in the know (not saying that those bro's aren't) on this great forum to try and deal with this issue that always swirls around in my head, Here goes.
I started using AAS around 1988 and up until then It wasn't really a huge deal for the fact that it's usage was pretty much low key and kept to certain circles. With the Olympic athletes getting popped around that time, and Reagan signing the anti steroid act in the same year I believe, the stigma of AAS has exponentially increased, throw in baseball, football, swimming, cycling, a bunch more Olympians failing tests, movie stars,etc etc it has blown clear the fuk up. Kind of like me in 1988 with test and a little pill called d-bol.
I come from a football past starting from little guys through 3 years in college. In the early 80's AAS use was pretty much not talked about,at least at my little University. I was so uneducated on the subject it was sickening. We would say shit when we saw some huge dude like " I bet he's on those steroids", "those steroids" ridiculous! Anyway stayed pretty much the same until 88 when I picked up a muscle & fitness mag and told myself I want to be huge like these guys. so I tried every fukin supp. these guys pitched (bullshit) and lifted harder than ever and reading every bit of info I could (less the internet of course) on building muscle and a lot of reading material included AAS info. I will shorten this part up real quick in saying that I hooked up with a dude ( after that dude I used various sources, never an individual that knew me) at my gym and started my AAS road and secret in late 88. I'm dead sure some of you older guys started before then, but I guess I lived a sheltered life up until then.
I started playing league softball around that time taking my little secret weapon with me of course, with around the 20lbs of muscle I had gained. I fukin just crushed the ball. I kept my secret AAS use to myself although knowing a couple of guys on my team and other teams as well were keeping the same secret. I knew these guys pretty well and AAS was never discussed, if someone said " God dude are you taking roids" I would just laugh and say something like "Yeah right" or "Idon't know what a roid looks like" and change the subject. I quit playing around 2005 with knee issues and a host of other physical issues that come with age with god knows how many cycles under my belt during my playing time. I once again kept my secret for all those years, with more and more guys on my team and other teams blowing up as the years went by. My answer to all the "roid" questions remained "yeah Right" or "I just like going to the gym..OK!!" I've been at my current job for 10 years and love it but I could easily lose it if someone was pissed at me for some reason and say's you need to test stone for PED'S. With the state of AAS now and the more informed (armchair) people are (internet) with countless before and after steroid pics of people in the limelight, sports figures, movie stars, and pretty much anyone who is newsworthy, a lot of folks feel they can pick out a AAS user a mile away. The folks I work with included. I'm not near as large as I was 8-10 years ago but yet I still get the same old questions. My point of this whole fukin thing is I have always wanted to just say "Fuk yes I use AAS and the use has made me feel great about myself in a lot of ways like confidence in social and work settings, self esteem, the ability to be the all out best in past and some current sport endeavors...so... maybe their hard on your health, but it's my health so go fuk youself and the thoughts you may have", but I don't, I keep laughing and shrugging it off. SO after 25 years of AAS use and still in fear for the facts that prevail, losing my job, more then likely my marriage, my relationship with my daughter, possible loss of friends and reputation, 2 yep TWO people know my secret, my son, and my best friend of 40 years...oh...and the hundreds or thousands of you fine folks! lol
How do you guys deal with your "secret" at work, home, or all the activities you do, and don't say "I don't give a fuk what people think" or" just don't worry about it" because you do care and you do worry (jail)! either in a positive or negative way, you probably don't mind how guys respect your stature and in the way they look at you(not that way you gay fuk), the way women notice you from across the room, but if someone asks you straight out "are you on roids" what would you say? not the random Joe or Jane Blow, then who does give a fuk! but a co-worker or someone close. The stigma of society won't leave us alone to do what we like to do. Hence the anonymity of these sites. Enough said.
hell i keep waiting for someone to accuse me of being on steroids... lol... i started pretty small around 140lbs... worked out natural for 15 years or so and got up to about 170 and pretty lean... was stuck at that size for the 7-8 years after i reached 40yrs i noticed i wasn't getting the same results so i started AAS... i'm now about 200lbs and still pretty lean.... but i got a few friends who know and my wife... but if anyone ask (doesn't happen to me much..too small) i would just work out and try to eat right... and at my size it's totally believable....
Just like with weed I am open with it, (spouse, maybe one or two close friends) I remember when I started my first cycle my wife found the pins and her first thought was heroin lmao, so when she heard juice it was alot better than heroin lol, but that's when when I knew I needed this shit lmao, seriously though if a stranger asks me I play dumb, but I don't mind my old lady knowing, and my friends can usually tell if I'm on because it's the only time I'll turn down beer lol
I get it alot. And it pisses me off. I can look at pics for the last ten years of myself and although the weight varies, its still the same type of build. Its the fucking losers that spend their time on the recliner sucking down beers and eating cheeseteaks all the time that bother me the most. Not one of those cocksuckers could even finish half a workout at my intensity.... My wife knows, 2 buds, and my son. My son went through a hard time lacking self confidence after getting sick etc. He asked me alot of questions and I was honest with him and by being honest I told him I was well over 30 yrs old till I did my first cycle, and that he will be too. He has since upped the intensity of his training and is and always was completely natural. Everyone around his school now blames him for being juiced etc. Poor kid works his damn ass off and eats perfect. When Im asked or confronted it depends who the person is.. IF its someone I don't really mind, I just say nah, not my style, Im not a pro athlete, no reason for that shit but if its one of the above mentioned, Ive been known to go off and flip out saying you fat fuck, you spend your life on the couch filling your fat ass belly up and sucking down a case of beer a day and you wanna accuse me of an easy way to achievement????? I've even gone as far as saying yes dickhead your wife masturbates to the thought of me, yeah thats right, get your fat ass and excuses off the couch and do something instead of judging the rest of the world...... And of course I leave the opportunity there for them to be a man and take a step, if they do, you knock them the fuck out. thats only happened once btw. The world is too judgmental, I don't read the paper or watch the news unless someone tells me about something interesting. I keep to myself and keep my thoughts and comments to myself. These wannabes should do the same
I don't tell anyone!!!! Not that I'm huge by any means but a few guys have asked how I'm getting bigger. I just say when you hire a nutritionist, eat 6 meal a day, and spend 20hrs a week in the gym you will know how I do it!

But I do wish I had someone close that I could discuss gear and shit with. Not that I don't like you guys, but someone in person would be nice.
I don't go around openly admitting that I do although my wife and all my friends(because they are all on too)know. If someone I don't know asks me I just tell them that I eat like a cow and I am in the gym everyday, they can do it too if they wanted to!!!lol. I tell them I am afraid of needles too(but I am covered in tats lmao)go figure!
I don't really care a whole lot, I have told a few close friends bit when people ask I say no of course not I don't take that shit. But we all know they know because gaining 50 pounds in shear mass in less than a year is simply impossible. They play dumb just like we do. Most people don't care. We aren't pro athletes so it's all simply asthetic looks for us.

Now when it comes to the younger kids thst look up to me and you of course you just have to say stay away from gear. Train hard, natural and eat good.

I only got into gear because I pushed myself to the limit naturally and wanted to go higher. Didn't start til I was 30 which I thought was a good age to start.

In my personal opinion I don't think people should even use gear unless it's for competing in bodybuilding or powerlifting, because I've already seen a lot of guys waste gear by shifty diet and training schedule as well as ruin their bodies. But that's my personal opinion.
Limited people know about me. Fellow bodybuilders I know mostly. I sell to two guys local that go out from there but that's it. Wife doesn't know, best friend doesn't know. I don't need to take the chance some loud mouth is out there spouting off of my use. My fellow bodybuilders, well we all know. If guys are using they are tight. I don't let anyone who I know isn't using know. They don't have anything to loose if they blab, but I do!

And thanks Wacker, what am I? Chopped liver? 🙂
RockShawn said:
Limited people know about me. Fellow bodybuilders I know mostly. I sell to two guys local that go out from there but that's it. Wife doesn't know, best friend doesn't know. I don't need to take the chance some loud mouth is out there spouting off of my use. My fellow bodybuilders, well we all know. If guys are using they are tight. I don't let anyone who I know isn't using know. They don't have anything to loose if they blab, but I do!

And thanks Wacker, what am I? Chopped liver? 🙂
Ok i am blown away that your wife doesn't know! You are a Mod on this board, you spend a TON of time here and I am sure you go through a ton of gear. My wife knew from my first order, I said, Im gonna start doing gear, she said can I pin you! I had a friend who tried to keep it from his wife and she eventually found out and it was bad!

My best friend knew before I even started. We haven't kept anything from each other ever, but we have been best friends since the day he was born, I was even at his birth at 10 months old! He even moved up here to AK, to me thats one hell of a friend that follows another friend somewhere, funny thing is, he lives so far away in the same state, 800 miles, so I only see him once or twice a year and he lives out in the bush in the winter so him and his wife can fur trap so it makes it hard.
Great topic and one I think about a lot. No one knows that I do true injectable aas. I have never met anyone I could trust to keep the secrete. My wife suspects but won't come right out and say it. I have a few friends but they don't lift so they dont know. I have a lot to lose job wise if LE were to find out somehow so I play it very safe. I would never sell to anyone if I did trust them. Like Wacker said I would love to talk to someone in person and share ideas on aas and training. I live in a small town and me being big already draws enough attention at the gym, which I love. Aas has a bad rep right now and there are a lot of haters. I love this world and I also love that not everyone does what we do. We are a special bunch and take our bodies to a place most only dream about. I wouldn't want it any other way and will do what I have to to protect it. Unfortunately that means living in secret. That's also why I love this place, a chance to share.
RockShawn said:
Limited people know about me. Fellow bodybuilders I know mostly. I sell to two guys local that go out from there but that's it. Wife doesn't know, best friend doesn't know. I don't need to take the chance some loud mouth is out there spouting off of my use. My fellow bodybuilders, well we all know. If guys are using they are tight. I don't let anyone who I know isn't using know. They don't have anything to loose if they blab, but I do!

And thanks Wacker, what am I? Chopped liver? 🙂
Lol...I meant close like training partner...to be honest if I didn't have guys like you and JM I would be all fucked up. I'm a very private guy in person, run solo most of the time that's what makes this place great! It's safe with real guys doing what I do, thinking like I do, and acting like I do.
And for the record I would NEVER tell my wife about using gear!!! Maybe trt but that's it, have seen a good friend go down cause of his wife, and another with a wife that told half the town she pined her husband before the got divorced. I have kids and I'm pretty involved I can't have something like that out.
See what I'm saying bro's, it is a subject that will drive you crazy ( maybe not everyone)! I really enjoy being right out front on the forum. The subject is taboo to most. I guess if people knew the fukin hard, dedicated, focused work that goes along with it maybe it would be different. I swear a huge chunk of people think your a fukin junkie and that anyone could do it, take some steroids and bam your fukin Arnie, actually funny when you think about it. Bottom line..fuck them all hahaha......I ain't stopping! My son and I are winter bulking as we speak....."Get to the Choppa"....
I think one of the issues isn't so much about it being illegal and not wanting to tell...it's more about not wanting other people to look at you and say "oh, you're cheating." Or, give someone a reason to think that you couldn't do it on your own, and degrade your credibility. I know, you guys are all saying, Screw them! But, like Stone said.....you care, or you wouldn't lie about it. There are people that ask me, I deny it....because I've given them help, advice, counseling, workouts, etc....if they thought I was on steroids they wouldn't ask. And, trust me, some people need to be asking..... a lot! Now, it has gotten better since I've been on TRT, I have found it easier to tell about that, since it's legit. Nobody really knows what Trt or Hrt is, but they all know what Steroids are........Stupid media educated people!!!
Akhusker said:
Ok i am blown away that your wife doesn't know! You are a Mod on this board, you spend a TON of time here and I am sure you go through a ton of gear. My wife knew from my first order, I said, Im gonna start doing gear, she said can I pin you! I had a friend who tried to keep it from his wife and she eventually found out and it was bad!

My best friend knew before I even started. We haven't kept anything from each other ever, but we have been best friends since the day he was born, I was even at his birth at 10 months old! He even moved up here to AK, to me thats one hell of a friend that follows another friend somewhere, funny thing is, he lives so far away in the same state, 800 miles, so I only see him once or twice a year and he lives out in the bush in the winter so him and his wife can fur trap so it makes it hard.
AkhuskerRespect baby! To clarify, my wife knows I'm on TRT for life so her seeing me pin is nothing. The extent to my use is what she knows little about. As far as the site, yeah she gots no clue and I plan on keeping it that was so you guys keep your cum dumpsters shut!
RockShawn said:
Respect baby! To clarify, my wife knows I'm on TRT for life so her seeing me pin is nothing. The extent to my use is what she knows little about. As far as the site, yeah she gots no clue and I plan on keeping it that was so you guys keep your cum dumpsters shut!
Wow Im really offended, never been called a cum dumpster before. that hurt my feelings
lith56bigguy said:
Wow Im really offended, never been called a cum dumpster before. that hurt my feelings
lith56bigguyLmao. I didn't call you one, I said to keep yours shut. 🙂 I'm just kidding. Heard that the other day and laughed my ass off at it. Been waiting to use it somewhere. LMAO literally.
RockShawn said:
Lmao. I didn't call you one, I said to keep yours shut. 🙂 I'm just kidding. Heard that the other day and laughed my ass off at it. Been waiting to use it somewhere. LMAO literally.
LMAO Im just being a dick. You know my skin is thicker than that bro

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