Accutane risks and effects???


Vino 1

I'm really considering using accutane. But I've heard many say it's dangerous and it's even banned in the U.S. Can someone give me personal experiences, and any education y'all can give me to help me make this decision. Thanks guys!!
I have been using it for a few months 20mg a day and have not had any issues other than dry underarms and chapped lips. Shit works great....I was using pharm grade and swithed to CM's a month or so ago and like it jsut as much and it can be dosed at 10mg a day so that helps.
Using CM's and cleared my skin in a week. I wasn't broke out bad, but what few I had disappeared. I don't believe a person needs to use it on a continuous basis (depending on how severe). In my experience with the drug once the Accutane has cleared the breakouts, it can be used in more of a maintenance schedule way. Two to three days per week when on. Very powerful shit! no need to over do it.
Ok I thought that it made it to where it was impossible to ever get acne again after usage of a certain time period? I thought it was permanent. I definetely need to do more looking into it. I wonder why it's banned in the US?
Vino 1 said:
Ok I thought that it made it to where it was impossible to ever get acne again after usage of a certain time period? I thought it was permanent. I definetely need to do more looking into it. I wonder why it's banned in the US?
Vino 1
Causes severe birth can't give blood within 90 days of last dose.
Im on accutane and it helped me out a hell of a lot. I always had boils on my back since i was a teen. And WACKER it does not effect male sperm it only effects a females ability to be able to carry a child. "information received from my father-in-law/doctor in pharmaceutical" and the doctor that prescribed it to me.
I used it at 20mg for like 3 weeks and cleared me right up.
keyk240 said:
Im on accutane and it helped me out a hell of a lot. I always had boils on my back since i was a teen. And WACKER it does not effect male sperm it only effects a females ability to be able to carry a child. "information received from my father-in-law/doctor in pharmaceutical" and the doctor that prescribed it to me.
Unless your blood is tranfused to a women, they even ask you if you have taken it and will deny your blood male or female.
misterB said:
30 days according to red cross.

dry lips! constant chap stick
damn when i gave blood they asked me if i took it within the last 90 days.
According to this you can get anal fissures and rectal bleeding! I know Beast would love this shit.
Well my back is breaking out pretty bad. Ill post pics laterMy girl is tripping trying to make me go to the dermatologist. But the only reason it's broke out is because I'm on cycle and she knows that. But she seems to think I have some kinda staph or something. She aggravating the heck out of me about it
Went to dermatologist today. He prescribed accutane starting at 20mg and he said may end up goin as high as 80mg. He didn't ask any questions about hormones though I'm sure he knows. What's crazy is all the stuff u have to do to and sign to be prescribed it. You have to carry a card for it and shit very weird. Also froze some warts I had on my hand for years.

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