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So don't know if this is the right catagory.

But been clean from any kind of addictive drug in general.

But still have a big problem with alcohol. I still wake up on time and go to work and don't drink, bug every other day I get messed up.
Like drink about two pints that night. I think my ole lady knows but doesn't say anything just.
I feel like here is my only none judgement outlet. I go to a church group but to ashamed to let anyone else in my life know cause I feel like they would drop me after all the bad I have done IN the past from drug use.
I feel like this is a lesser of two evils at this point. But still hard to kick a habit.

I still train my ass off and look better than 70 percent of the guys anywhere near me but still press for more. I'm 199.4 today and about 10-12 BF.

Personal experiences and whatever?? Tonight was a pint and a full bottle of wine. But that's only a couple times a week and I still train.
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I havent had a drink or anything besides rarely some mushrooms for 17 yrs... for me alcohol was just as bad as everything else.
If its bothering you enough to make this thread then it's an issue and you probably need to change it. I went to aa/na mtgs probably 5 days a week for years before I slowed down my mtg attendance. It helped me greatly
I havent had a drink or anything besides rarely some mushrooms for 17 yrs... for me alcohol was just as bad as everything else.
If its bothering you enough to make this thread then it's an issue and you probably need to change it. I went to aa/na mtgs probably 5 days a week for years before I slowed down my mtg attendance. It helped me greatly
SnakemanI just started going to a group and hot plugged in to a church body too. Hard to kick it just. Start missing that feel.
A wise old man told me years ago he said drugs will make you everything you never wanted to be. It will make you a thief a liar your word won't be shit you'll lose respect your dignity everything. I had a friend i ran tough with for years he eventually got 120 months in the fed joint and I went on to get married and a job a life. When he got out he hit me up and I went to see him. When I got to his place there was drugs everywhere x pills meth all the really bad stuff. We used to party hard and I got high for the first time in years and was hooked that night and it went on and on until my life was upside down man the stuff totally ruined me I lost my job got a divorce was mentally wack and unstable but you couldn't tell me that even after everything I lost I still thought I was ok somehow. So I finally went to treatment it was either that or die. I am a lot better now although I know that some things I lost I will never get back and thats just the grim reality of my own choices. I can tell you that the nature of addiction is self deception thats the core of the disease. A normal persons mind will tell them hey I've been drinking too much or these drugs are killing me but a person who genetically has this addictive nature our minds don't function that way. our brains tell us its ok there is nothing wrong we can handle this or its not really killing us or we aren't really losing everything its self deception. I suggest going to AA or NA find you a sponsor someone whos on your level someone your comfortable sharing personal stuff with. Its not always easy to find that person but if you'll put in even a liitle effort God provide what you need to do this. this is my favorite Christian church it might do you some good to some of the sermons I hope this helps.
A wise old man told me years ago he said drugs will make you everything you never wanted to be. It will make you a thief a liar your word won't be shit you'll lose respect your dignity everything. I had a friend i ran tough with for years he eventually got 120 months in the fed joint and I went on to get married and a job a life. When he got out he hit me up and I went to see him. When I got to his place there was drugs everywhere x pills meth all the really bad stuff. We used to party hard and I got high for the first time in years and was hooked that night and it went on and on until my life was upside down man the stuff totally ruined me I lost my job got a divorce was mentally wack and unstable but you couldn't tell me that even after everything I lost I still thought I was ok somehow. So I finally went to treatment it was either that or die. I am a lot better now although I know that some things I lost I will never get back and thats just the grim reality of my own choices. I can tell you that the nature of addiction is self deception thats the core of the disease. A normal persons mind will tell them hey I've been drinking too much or these drugs are killing me but a person who genetically has this addictive nature our minds don't function that way. our brains tell us its ok there is nothing wrong we can handle this or its not really killing us or we aren't really losing everything its self deception. I suggest going to AA or NA find you a sponsor someone whos on your level someone your comfortable sharing personal stuff with. Its not always easy to find that person but if you'll put in even a liitle effort God provide what you need to do this. this is my favorite Christian church it might do you some good to some of the sermons I hope this helps.
DagoSo so so true. I have slowed down so far. Lessed the amount and frequency of my drinking.
Drinking alcohol and taking steroids will destroy your liver. Not good bro!
yea, for me alcohol was just as much a problem as the drugs. i went to aa/na meetings for 7.5 years and I did individual counseling for 2 years along with meetings. Good luck getting sober if you decide to go that route. I stopped going to meetings almost 3 years ago but I do a lot of meditation groups via zoom and will probably go in person again when they open up.
yea, for me alcohol was just as much a problem as the drugs. i went to aa/na meetings for 7.5 years and I did individual counseling for 2 years along with meetings. Good luck getting sober if you decide to go that route. I stopped going to meetings almost 3 years ago but I do a lot of meditation groups via zoom and will probably go in person again when they open up.
R2D2Thanks brother. I start counseling with my pastor and a outside counselor soon. I think there is an underlying problem that's causing some of it. I just don't know what is. I get stressed and just turn to drinking sometimes. I go through depression for weeks at a time sometimes too.
Keep us updated as to how it's going. you might be treating depression/anxiety/stress/ptsd or whatever with alcohol. if you get a sponsor that can take you through the step work or if you find a good counselor/therapist, you might be able to pinpoint the reasons that you are drinking.
Keep us updated as to how it's going. you might be treating depression/anxiety/stress/ptsd or whatever with alcohol. if you get a sponsor that can take you through the step work or if you find a good counselor/therapist, you might be able to pinpoint the reasons that you are drinking.
R2D2That's what I am hoping. Thanks for the support brother.

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