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My life has been turned upside down by addicts recently. So much my car stolen, thousands of dollars, credit cards and possibly more for trying to be nice and help.

Any tips to help bros both going through addiction and people trying to help addicts?
Grim, sometimes we can't help others in life because they don't want help or they need more help then we can offer.

I see homeless begging for money daily. I have them money but watched them buy alcohol with it and then later found out that most of them have homes but beg to keep getting federal housing aid for free.

I tried to help an alcoholic become sober but I eventually became just a taxi service bringing him home from the bars.

Most of us have our own issues in life and it's best that we focus on ourself first and foremost and then if we have energy left over attempt to help others. But that doesn't mean we need to be used and abused in the process.
Daredevil said:
Grim, sometimes we can't help others in life because they don't want help or they need more help then we can offer.

I see homeless begging for money daily. I have them money but watched them buy alcohol with it and then later found out that most of them have homes but beg to keep getting federal housing aid for free.

I tried to help an alcoholic become sober but I eventually became just a taxi service bringing him home from the bars.

Most of us have our own issues in life and it's best that we focus on ourself first and foremost and then if we have energy left over attempt to help others. But that doesn't mean we need to be used and abused in the process.
DaredevilWell said DD
Only way to try understand addiction and the things addicts are capable of is to discuss it honestly with others that have struggled or are struggling with it. I know at my worst I would have sold my grandmothers breathing machine to get more dope. Addiction is a real health issue that needs to be treated as such. I am lucky to be one of the few that have walked away from hard drugs because I almost lost everything important to me. For some of us the reminder of where we came from keeps us strong. For others it puts them in relapse. Having my daughter changed my entire outlook on life. Also having my wife attempt suicide because of how helpless my addiction made her feel made me realize how fucking selfish I was being. I am not a saint by any means and don't judge anyone. All I am saying is control your shit as much as possible so you can keep your jobs and not hurt the ones that love you. Been there done that real talk. There will always be a time and place for me to let loose but I will control it to the best of my control. REAL talk bro's!
be careful who you hang out with. addicts will talk a good game but they are gonna burn you when they need their fix, no matter how nice they seem. as an addict myself, i know that nothing would stop me from using once i had that obsession kick in. there was no talking sense into me; i would say whatever you wanted to hear, but as soon as i could sneak off to get high or to procure more drugs/alcohol i would.

the only thing that worked for me was outpatient treatment (counseling) and aa/na. but before i walked into counseling and then meetings i had a desire to get clean/sober. where that desire came from, i don't know--i think it was just that the guild and the shame got to be too much for me, and God intervened and showed mercy on me. when the pain is great enough, an addict will change (if they don't die first). everyone's threshold for pain is different, and other people have to go through far worse bottoms than i did. i'm grateful that i found a new way of life; many don't. i am truly blessed.
I've helped many people get clean. Methadone, suboxone
Impatient. Rock , meth, pills, dope, it's a long struggle for them. But some come out clean. Some go right back to using.
I know 1st hand its not easy to help others,espcly when they're so far gone they believe everything is fine etc.,addicts make so many excuses & lies they believe em ! I know 1st hand its not easy to wake up & make changes, I wanted it for me,& if that person hasnt woke up yet & wana get clean 4thereself then nutn will change bro,its hard to watch a loved 1 struggle,some need bigger wake up calls then others,all u can do is try ur hardest getting thru to that person,Mayb try getting some na literature to them or go to a meeting with then & hope they get it, go to a lead meeting & just listen,it helps man, I struggled for a long time,hell everyday is still & always gona b a struggle, u gotta find a higher power & believe in urself b4 u can allow change,& its hard for some to accept all that change,like I said,dnt give up on ur friend jus try ur best to b a friend & try guiding him down a better road,cheesy as it sounds I found a good app for phones called sobriety tool,has good literature & much more,I turn to it daily,anything & everything is worth tryn in sobriety as long as it keeps u clean,good luck & god bless, I pray ur buddy wakes up & realizes its time ! 1nc I started waking up on a daily- clean/healthier it was a great feeling, espcly not having to depend on a substance daily, being a slave to a substance on a daily sucks & hopefully ur friend starts realizing there's a much better way to live ! Again good luck & godbless bro !
From my own experience no one was able to help me not even probation drug tests going in and out of jail, parents that love me to death and suffered nothing could help me. When i got clean it was all me i had to hit the bottom and my heart finally gave in and said this is enough
glad you all made it through 🙂
nothing could help me. When i got clean it was all me i had to hit the bottom and my heart finally gave in and said this is enough

seems to be the way most have to make it through.. in my experience... they gotta want the change.

i'm not judging addicts as i have never been on hard drugs or even drank alcohol... so i have no idea how hard it is or what it is... glad you found your way 9er.
My days of trying to help addicts are long over. In the end they all failed to see me as helping them and only saw me as someone they could take advantage of to get money, to rob, to cheat... It took me a long time to learn that I wasn't actually helping them and that all I was doing was supporting their behavior.

I got a call a few months back from an addict "friend" who wanted to know if we could get together. It was simple. My reply was, "Call me when you've been drug free for 5 years straight, and not before."
Yeah I've been fucked Over bad, one way I'm not even gonna post on

I've tossed all to curb but one I can't give up on. It's actually part a condition from my strokes
Man , Addiction is one of those things that if u don't realize u have a problem , then it's like ur swimming in the ocean w/ no life vest . Making excuses , tellin urself the next time it'll be different , u can shake this , I don't need help . Ur pretty much fucked until u admit there's a problem .
Addiction has a lot of faces , and not all are ugly and disturbing . It has a way of disguising itself to look so appealing that it confuses a person . Shit , it's a hard thing to deal with .
The only cure , is to " Want " to change , and to look for help , " AA / NA " !!!
There's No Way , without help , from others or a higher power , that a person will beat addiction , NO WAY !!!
Ur just lying to urself if u think it's easy to stop whatever it is that's ur addiction .
I see it all the time !!!
I have a good addiction these days , " The Gym " and I wouldn't change that for anything . I went thru the BS , and thru the grace of God , which I know some have a different higher power , I'm able to still function and haven't lost everything like some that I've seen .
And yes , I LOVE ANABOLICS !!!
I think that if it wasn't for the gym and Anabolics I wouldn't be here , or I would be in a different place with different circumstances . It's different for everyone !!!
My .02 !!!
Torres said:
Man , Addiction is one of those things that if u don't realize u have a problem , then it's like ur swimming in the ocean w/ no life vest . Making excuses , tellin urself the next time it'll be different , u can shake this , I don't need help . Ur pretty much fucked until u admit there's a problem .
Addiction has a lot of faces , and not all are ugly and disturbing . It has a way of disguising itself to look so appealing that it confuses a person . Shit , it's a hard thing to deal with .
The only cure , is to " Want " to change , and to look for help , " AA / NA " !!!
There's No Way , without help , from others or a higher power , that a person will beat addiction , NO WAY !!!
Ur just lying to urself if u think it's easy to stop whatever it is that's ur addiction .
I see it all the time !!!
I have a good addiction these days , " The Gym " and I wouldn't change that for anything . I went thru the BS , and thru the grace of God , which I know some have a different higher power , I'm able to still function and haven't lost everything like some that I've seen .
And yes , I LOVE ANABOLICS !!!
I think that if it wasn't for the gym and Anabolics I wouldn't be here , or I would be in a different place with different circumstances . It's different for everyone !!!
My .02 !!!
TorresI agree no one helped me but i csnt take the credit ibe always liked the idea that god helped me because im a good person and my parents are as well god is the only one i think may possibly gotten me off a 10 yr meth addiction. Same here gym saved my life
Good Shit 9er !!! Respect for that bro !!!
I been struggling for about 16 years off and on with a heroin addiction... I live in North Jersey and heroin is everywhere up here.....its unbelievable.......

Last year I been on methadone and I tell you what, it saved me.. Granted it's another drug but it's the only way I was able to stop heroin.... So many relapses, in and out of rehabs, probation etc..... I haven't used any heroin since I started the methadone... Right now I'm in the process of slowly detoxing off of it but I'm in no rush at all....

Alot of people bash methadone, but for me the negative aspects of using it are far outweighed by the positive results I've had this far...
pattyd said:
I been struggling for about 16 years off and on with a heroin addiction... I live in North Jersey and heroin is everywhere up here.....its unbelievable.......

Last year I been on methadone and I tell you what, it saved me.. Granted it's another drug but it's the only way I was able to stop heroin.... So many relapses, in and out of rehabs, probation etc..... I haven't used any heroin since I started the methadone... Right now I'm in the process of slowly detoxing off of it but I'm in no rush at all....

Alot of people bash methadone, but for me the negative aspects of using it are far outweighed by the positive results I've had this far...
pattydhell its under medical oversight and away from heroin often cut with shit causing ods man. nothing wrong with an alternative

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