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Alright bros, heres gonna be a serious post concerning the sides we all get from doin Anabolics. Im sure everyones aware of how to take Anabolics, for the most part, but few of us, Im included, are sketchy of when, how, what, and how much AI's and Serms to take to keep sides at bay and help us reap the most out of a cycle !!! The last week or so Ive been seeing that Aromasin and Caber are among some of our favorites, but with so much to choose from, different manufacturers and sponsors, whos to say whats good and whats bunk !!! Now im not saying the sponsors here that offer them are no good, Im saying that I get dizzy trying to figure out from who to purchase some to satisfy me needs. And just saw that I can get them in liquid form as well :-\ !!!
Personally Ive tried Pfizer products and have seen Novartis products get good reviews. so many tho !!
Can the Vets up here put in their knowledge on how to take AI's and SERMS !!! When , How much to take, etc... It would def help and would def answer alot of our questions. Hope im not being to vague cuz I know everyones cycle is different and the AI and SERM needs would be different as well. Thanks Bros !!! 😉
Can I add a question?

Can a SERM be used to prevent testicular atrophy? Can anything besides HCG prevent shrinkage?
AI's on cycle, SERM's during PCT. Maximpep has good Aromasin, the best AI. Letro if you start getting gyno symptoms. Nolva or Torem (which I think will eventually replace Nolva) and Aromasin (1st 2 weeks) during PCT.
morrey said:
Can I add a question?

Can a SERM be used to prevent testicular atrophy? Can anything besides HCG prevent shrinkage?
Good question Morrey, the more feedback we get the better and more knowledge we"ll have for everyone here !!!
Like Hanzo said on the norm ai's would be during a run and serm's for post cycle recovery. This is not set in stone though I know and have talked to others who have used serms during a run and ai's during pct. It kinda depends on what each individual thinks works the best for him, and the only way to know is by trial and error. I'm an aromisan man as adex dose little for me and as far as pct I don't my endo system crashed and I trt.
Hanzo said:
AI's on cycle, SERM's during PCT. Maximpep has good Aromasin, the best AI. Letro if you start getting gyno symptoms. Nolva or Torem (which I think will eventually replace Nolva) and Aromasin (1st 2 weeks) during PCT.
And a little more on letro be very careful with this stuff as it will kill all estro and give you hurting joints so take caution if ever used.
AI - Aromatase Inhibitor - function is to slow or prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Always use when injecting exogenous testosterone

Arimidex - dosed at .5 x 2 per week starting dose
Aromasin/extemastane - dosed at 12.5 EOD starting dose
Letrozole is an AI, but as slim said, it is rough an I think should only be used in specific instances.

Doses are dependent of the amount of exogenous testosterone administered

SERMs - selective estrogen-receptor modulators - act ON the estrogen receptor for a a specific purpose such as to block estrogen binding. These are use in PCT protocol and in my opinion are cycle dependent. By keeping estrogen from binding, the body senses more estrogen in the blood and thus increases natural testosterone to create a balance.

Nolvadex - 20mg ED - I have used this on cycle to keep estrogen circulating and not kill it.
Clomid - 50mg ED - not a favorite of Grim's

Typically these doses ramp up then back down in a 2 week time period.

Caber and prami act in a different way to prevent/ lessen prolactrone sides. Caber is actually a dopamine receptor antagonist on the D2 receptors. Thus a feeling of wellbeing. It is however effective in lessening gyno symptoms such as lumps at the nipples. Caber should be considered when on 19nor steroids like Nandrolone and trenbolone.

I believe caber should be taken at the first sign of prolactin symptoms and dose is .5mg ED
Aromasin or Adex on cycle normally letro if having having a gyno flare up... Use caber w tren or deca I prefer to use pharm grade from ay
what does Grim have against Clomid?
gave me 6 strokes and a collapsed brain stem
I know it says newbie on my profile, however I am not. I would first ask what you are trying to combat? There is a lot of good info being given out here. I agree on the Letro and the adex. Very little will go a long ways in trying to combat gyno symptoms. My personal favorite is .25 Letro to stave off sore nips. A lot of people have issues with clomid. I personally have had no issues with the stuff. I did not act like a crying school girl who just lost her boyfriend while on it. 🙂 HCG was always great for keeping the boys up to par while running high test.
I think the OP was trying to get some general info for the most part. At least that's the way I took it. We all have different experiences with compounds which makes this topic very broad.

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