All Hype


Iron Killer
Staff member
Jacked Immortal
Respect and Loyalty
EG Freak
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hey guys name a few cycles you ran that were all hype. In other words you heard they were greatest you did everything right (training, diet, etc) and overall it was just eh compared to what you heard.
Sounds like that may be a case of bad gear if you did everything right and didn't see gains 😉 haha jk
That's a tough one. It seems to me that I haven't ever had a cycle that was a total dud.....
Not a dud, and not calling out any vendors.

Think of EQ ( i love the stuff) other guys think it sucks and get nothing out of it.

I just wanted to hear from guys that ran cycle they heard was awesome, but was just so so.
For me, I think Deca is a bit of a lame duck. I've done basic cycles with Test E and Deca that where just so-so. Nothing like Prop and Npp.
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i think the failure is usually on my part by not optimizing my nutrition rather than on whatever i'm using.
I need to try me some deca/npp. Never used what people would call a wet bulk compound. Well I guess thats more deca than npp. Always ran lean gain stuff so far. I just hate the bloated look and wonder how much of those gains are just water and what you're actually left with. Eq I love.
I have to think about this one. There have been a few cycles where I just didn't feel the love but made some adjustments to compensate and made them feel successful. For example, I just didn't feel the love with eq till I ramped up to 600 mg. Then the magic happenened. I am a believer of less is more but with eq my personal experiences required more
I'm going to have to throw var in there too. I've had legit var and ran it at 50mgs and I didn't get that zing like I get with Tbol or good drol. I'm going to give it another go this summer but I'm going to choose a different supplier and run it atleast 60-70mgs maybe?

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I've found Var to be best at 70-80mgs. Less just doesn't pack that punch.
I've found Var to be best at 70-80mgs. Less just doesn't pack that punch.
Yeah your definitely not the first person to say that they needed to run it at that dosage in order to feel something. I'll definitely run it this time at higher than 50

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