All Vendors Should Do this!!!


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand the smell or after effects of Guaiacol in my gear and I'm allergic to it as well. I just re-ordered 15 vials of a special blend and i understand it was brewed by a different guy this time, but the seller needs to know that the first guy didn't use guaiacol and the second guy did. I got my 15 vials and you could literally smell the pack from 5 feet away. Killed my office to where if I was in there, I was sneezing and got a headache. Now, the guy I got the blend from is cool and we are swapping them out, so all is good.

My point is, AS A VENDOR, PLEASE PUT ON YOUR LIST THAT YOU USE GUAIACOL NEXT TO THE PRODUCTS THAT IT'S IN. Yes as a customer I'm going to shy away from those on your list, but at least we don't have to go through the heartache of me not knowing and being surprised when it arrives.

That is all, Carry On.
I'm with you that smell. Plus every gear-head in the gym knows you have just dosed on some TNE and your ready to play.
RockShawn said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand the smell or after effects of Guaiacol in my gear and I'm allergic to it as well. I just re-ordered 15 vials of a special blend and i understand it was brewed by a different guy this time, but the seller needs to know that the first guy didn't use guaiacol and the second guy did. I got my 15 vials and you could literally smell the pack from 5 feet away. Killed my office to where if I was in there, I was sneezing and got a headache. Now, the guy I got the blend from is cool and we are swapping them out, so all is good.

My point is, AS A VENDOR, PLEASE PUT ON YOUR LIST THAT YOU USE GUAIACOL NEXT TO THE PRODUCTS THAT IT'S IN. Yes as a customer I'm going to shy away from those on your list, but at least we don't have to go through the heartache of me not knowing and being surprised when it arrives.

That is all, Carry On.
This is the very reason we don't use Guaiacol. We cant do all the high dosed gear or special blend gear because we don't use any other chemicals besides the basics which are BA, BB, and we use GSO as our carrier in everything, but for us it is about having products that everyone can use and not have the allergic reactions and smells and all that stuff that comes with other chemicals.

TMM, your gear is the most consistent I've ever used. I like that you are a traditionalist. I do still want a TPP/NPP blend though LOL
Thanks brother, we do everything right exact to the recipe. We even do our sustanon right to the old school original recipe, none of that new wave cyp enan prop mix, we use what sustanon was when it was in the little amps!

There are times I like the smell but at times it saturates the whole body. Letting the coustomer know is common practice by most and should be if not.
RockShawn said:
I do still want a TPP/NPP blend though LOL
We have it Rock, 20mL jugs in stock and ready. Erik list his oil too, MCT, EO for high dose and no Guiacol.
Jinko said:
We have it Rock, 20mL jugs in stock and ready. Erik list his oil too, MCT, EO for high dose and no Guiacol.
Ok I hadn't checked him in a while, I thought he wasn't going to make it any longer. Good to know. Thank you sir.
tunaman7 said:
I'm with you that smell. Plus every gear-head in the gym knows you have just dosed on some TNE and your ready to play.
tunaman7That's funny because before I juiced I always wondered what the hell that smell was, thought it was putrid, but now love the smell LMAO !! Just so glad I'm not sensitive to GU or EO, need that higher dosed gear so I'm not pushin 4+ cc's at a time lol.
I love that chemical smell, the counter bunnies know you are roid up! One thing is seeing it, another thing is when they can smell you.
HATE Guaiacol, gives me black and blue marks at the injection site for some reason and the taste makes me want to puke-lol
Just don't like the fact that Guaic makes my gear smell so much. I don't like the evidence it leaves in the air.
RockShawn said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand the smell or after effects of Guaiacol in my gear and I'm allergic to it as well. I just re-ordered 15 vials of a special blend and i understand it was brewed by a different guy this time, but the seller needs to know that the first guy didn't use guaiacol and the second guy did. I got my 15 vials and you could literally smell the pack from 5 feet away. Killed my office to where if I was in there, I was sneezing and got a headache. Now, the guy I got the blend from is cool and we are swapping them out, so all is good.

My point is, AS A VENDOR, PLEASE PUT ON YOUR LIST THAT YOU USE GUAIACOL NEXT TO THE PRODUCTS THAT IT'S IN. Yes as a customer I'm going to shy away from those on your list, but at least we don't have to go through the heartache of me not knowing and being surprised when it arrives.

That is all, Carry On.
Just wanted to say "HI" Roxy. Long time no see. I miss you.
I feel you brother..guaciol and eo ar every toxic ,they stink and may are allergic to them,
we stick to pharma standards just benzyl alchol and benyl benzoate in lowest possible amount wit safflower oil as carrier...that's all you will ever find in out with that you wilfind no high dosed crazy blends..but you will find smooth clean pip free injects.
PACIFIC13 said:
I feel you brother..guaciol and eo ar every toxic ,they stink and may are allergic to them,
we stick to pharma standards just benzyl alchol and benyl benzoate in lowest possible amount wit safflower oil as carrier...that's all you will ever find in out with that you wilfind no high dosed crazy blends..but you will find smooth clean pip free injects.
What gear is this?
Whats the 'special blend' anyway? On the dyel list we have it included which oils have different solvents. For the guys brewing it's a tough situation rock...without the different solvents some guys will complain about pip with the solvents some will complain about smell or reactions so that' why we list them

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