Allergic to prop ester?


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I was on prop for about 7 weeks and I used 2 different UGs. The first one had EO and I started getting something like hives. I would feel itchy and if I scratched it my skin would get raised, even itchier, red welts/lines from my nail or anything scratching.

So I thought it may be a reaction to EO even though everyone allergic to EO complains about the actual injection site. I go on a different prop with no EO and I still had this problem. I switched over to Test-e and have been for 2 weeks and it is going away. I only had it once this week, before it was 3+ times a day. (I also got test flu or something after injections a lot)

This happened with a prop only cycle a few years back too, but I've ran prop/npp and prop/tren-a together and did not get this reaction.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Can't actually be allergic to the ester. The ester is just for simple bonding of testosterone.
Just isn't possible but you might have a problem with higher amounts of test or maybe certain brewing methods. The fact that you have ran prop with other stuff tell me that its not the prop ester but more like the method of brew.
Do you always run around the same test doses?
Long ester mg?
Short ester mg?
If its not that then 9/10 it's the method.
ShortnWide said:
Can't actually be allergic to the ester. The ester is just for simple bonding of testosterone.
Just isn't possible but you might have a problem with higher amounts of test or maybe certain brewing methods. The fact that you have ran prop with other stuff tell me that its not the prop ester but more like the method of brew.
Do you always run around the same test doses?
Long ester mg?
Short ester mg?
If its not that then 9/10 it's the method.
This is my first cycle in 2 years. I did 150mg prop eod. The most I've done is 600mg test-e for long ester and short ester cycle 150mg prop eod.

Was it just my body not used to the extra hormone? I did a test tbol only cycle since I just started getting back in.

The test prop and test-e I'm on now was from Sarc. The EO prop was a different sponsor from BOP (thesteroidwarehouse)
Do you know what carrier "oil" that was used ? Could be that or as above, the brewing methods
I wouldn't trust anything from SW they flat out dissappeared

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
JM750 said:
I'm not so sure steroid warehouse was even legit.
JM750Not sure. I only used the sample vial he gave out. Never placed an order since I was only doing test and have a lot.

He said it was EO based at 150mg/ml
Maybe just the samples were legit?

I had very little pip and didn't notice anything different when I stopped sarc and used that vial.

Pretty sure sarcomere is just gso based. Also had a little more pip but nothing bad besides my quads which always suck.
Tattz said:
Do you know what carrier "oil" that was used ? Could be that or as above, the brewing methods

Yes the type of oil is def part of the brewing method.

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