Injuries are part of our sport and they can and do happen even to those of us who practice safe lifting. I am not one of those people although I try alot harder now to lift smart. I have had injury after injury and I still keep going, just live and learn and hope to not do it again. I had a double hernia that I had fixed with a mesh patch then I had a shoulder repaired and then I had the other shoulder repaired and now I have lateral epicondylitus which is tennis elbow and it hurts like hell. I can even shake peoples hands without it causing extreme pain and forget and kind of lift that puts my palms facing down, cause that will make me cry like a newborn worman! I had 2 cortizone shots in it in the last 3 months and it keeps coming back so I just work around it and try not to do anything that is gonna cause it to hurt bad. I got this tennis elbow brace thing that I wear when it hurts bad. It sucks but its what happens when we do what we do.