Anabolic steroid charges.


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
For this thread it is important to supply only verifiable information. not what you heard from a friend of a friend.. I am first going to post a generic federal breakdown on aas laws and regulations and other details. after that I would like for members to help post up state laws in regards to personal possession, and what is considered distribution also on transportation laws.
South Carolina

South Carolina Code 44-53-1530. Possessing anabolic steroids without a prescription, or prescribing anabolic steroids, by non-practitioner, pharmacist, or veterinarian unlawful; penalties

It is unlawful for any person who is not a practitioner, pharmacist, or veterinarian to knowingly or intentionally possess anabolic steroids as defined in this article unless the steroids were obtained directly from, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order of, a practitioner while acting in the course of his professional practice. It is unlawful for any person who is not a practitioner, pharmacist, or veterinarian to knowingly or intentionally prescribe, dispense, deliver, or administer anabolic steroids to a person. Any person who violates this article with respect to:
(1) prescription, dispensation, delivery, or administration of an anabolic steroid, or delivery of an anabolic steroid to a person for human use without any purpose other than a valid medical purpose, or the sale or delivery of an anabolic steroid to a person for human use without a valid prescription, or the prescription, dispensation, delivery, or administration of an anabolic steroid to a person by any person who is not a practitioner, pharmacist, or veterinarian, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

(a) for a first offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed five years or fined in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars, or both;

(b) for a second or subsequent offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed ten years or fined in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars, or both;

(2) possession of ten or fewer dosage units of anabolic steroids without a valid prescription is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

(a) for a first offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed six months or fined in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars;

(b) for a second or subsequent offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed one year or fined in an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars, or both;

(3) possession of more than ten but fewer than one hundred dosage-units of anabolic steroids without a valid prescription is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

(a) for a first offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed one year or fined in an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars, or both;

(b) for a second or subsequent offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed two years or fined in an amount not to exceed three thousand dollars, or both;

(4) possession of more than one hundred dosage-units of anabolic steroids without a valid prescription is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

(a) for a first offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed five years or fined in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars, or both;

(b) for a second or subsequent offense, imprisoned for a term not to exceed ten years or fined in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars, or both
Recent statistics estimate as many as 6 million Americans have used or currently do use steroids. While the vast majority of users do not get caught, the penalties are steep for ones that do. The legal consequences of possession of anabolic steroids may be a felony criminal charge in state or federal court. The enactment of the Federal Anabolic Steroid Control Acts of 1990, which was expanded by Congress in 2004, places steroids in the Schedule III legal class, along with barbiturates, LSD precursors, veterinary tranquilizers, and narcotic painkillers. This would make simple unlawful possession a federal offence, punishable by up to one year in prison and/or a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first offense.

Arrests for personal steroid possession are occurring at a more frequent rate. Personal possession may be discovered through searches with warrants at a person's residence or gym. A person may also find himself or herself searched without a warrant in situations such as traffic stops, border crossings, mail order discovery, and personal searches.

The consequence of serving any prison time for an individual depends upon several factors including, but not limited to, the persons past criminal history, the strength of the prosecutions case, the persons role in the specific offense, and how effectively the case is either litigated or negotiated by defense counsel. In any circumstance, an experienced criminal defense attorney should be consulted prior to speaking to any law enforcement official.

Even if a prison sentence is ultimately avoided, the consequences of just being arrested for steroid possession are likely to result in legal expenses and even seizure or forfeiture of assets. A criminal conviction may hinder employment opportunities, require fines and include incarceration. An individual possessing a professional license may find that a conviction could be reported to their state licensing authority, placing their current employment in jeopardy. A Schedule III drug conviction may result in the suspension of a person's drivers license and restrict their ability to purchase or own a firearm. It is undeniable that the assistance of criminal defense counsel would be your best defense against these potential consequences.

Anabolic steroids are illegal under both state and federal laws, which means a person may be prosecuted under either jurisdiction. The agency responsible for your arrest and the seriousness of your charge dictates which court your case will be prosecuted in. Due to the way steroid quantities are calculated under the current federal sentencing guidelines, many cases originating in a local jurisdiction are moved to federal jurisdiction where sentencing may be much more severe. For this reason investigations started by the both federal and local authorities such as the local police, sheriff and United States Postal Inspector and the United States Department of Customs are most often prosecuted in federal court.

Many states follow the federal guidelines with charging defendants arrested for possession of anabolic steroids using the guideline of 1 pill = 1 count or ml/cc equals 1 count. The federal guidelines when applied to anabolic steroids may add up to an astonishingly high number of counts. For example, a singe week cycle using, Dianabol tablets may result in 200-450 criminal counts.

The recent changes in federal sentencing guidelines have mandated there is no difference in Schedule III narcotics. All substances listed under Schedule III are treated equally. Another concern is that based on the quantities of steroids involved in a normal cycle, one may easily be charged with possession WITH the intent to sell or deliver anabolic steroids simply based on the quantity involved.
30-31-41. Anabolic steroids; possession; distribution; penalties; notice.

A. Except as authorized by the New Mexico Drug[, Device] and Cosmetic Act [26-1-1 NMSA 1978], it is unlawful for any person to intentionally possess anabolic steroids. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor.

B. Except as authorized by the New Mexico Drug[, Device] and Cosmetic Act, it is unlawful for any person to intentionally distribute or possess with intent to distribute anabolic steroids. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a fourth degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978.

C. Except as authorized by the New Mexico Drug[, Device] and Cosmetic Act, it is unlawful for any person eighteen years of age or older to intentionally distribute anabolic steroids to a person under eighteen years of age. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a third degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978.

D. A copy of this act shall be distributed to each licensed athletic trainer by the athletic trainers advisory board and displayed prominently in the athletic locker rooms of all state post-secondary and public schools.
This is great! Although I am startiing to see a problem with this. I can see a point in which this thread could quickly get out of hand. If everybody took the Law as written in their state and posted it, it would be way too much info to get through. I think we might want to list the links by State to the actual law. Then we can click the link that pertains to the individual. There is also some supporting information which would be prudent to have, for instance,..paraphanelia. Pins, for example. Each state is different there as well.

Good post bro, way to take it and run.
TSizemore said:
This is great! Although I am startiing to see a problem with this. I can see a point in which this thread could quickly get out of hand. If everybody took the Law as written in their state and posted it, it would be way too much info to get through. I think we might want to list the links by State to the actual law. Then we can click the link that pertains to the individual. There is also some supporting information which would be prudent to have, for instance,..paraphanelia. Pins, for example. Each state is different there as well.

Good post bro, way to take it and run.

yeah I was not sure about posting links because I thought that somehow they would connect to this site.. Didn't want to take any wrong steps but I def see your point..
The most secure way to do it would be to do your search using one of the Proxies provided. Then just paste the link here. The redirector will take anybody there safely.
TSizemore said:
The most secure way to do it would be to do your search using one of the Proxies provided. Then just paste the link here. The redirector will take anybody there safely.
no no I mean like I dont know how to explain it really. basically if we post links about such and such, when someone does a search on the web it would bring up this site.. I Think that is what I am trying to say lol.. I have seen it said before where admin dont like people posting links from sites. and shit.. but yeah def if people will help me out I think this could be something pretty useful for guys to know. always best to be educated in this game. RIGHT??
TSizemore said:
The most secure way to do it would be to do your search using one of the Proxies provided. Then just paste the link here. The redirector will take anybody there safely.
no no I mean like I dont know how to explain it really. basically if we post links about such and such, when someone does a search on the web it would bring up this site.. I Think that is what I am trying to say lol.. I have seen it said before where admin dont like people posting links from sites. and shit.. but yeah def if people will help me out I think this could be something pretty useful for guys to know. always best to be educated in this game. RIGHT??
search engines can't see eg.
@ most they can see the login page..

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