Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio of Steroids


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The Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio helps to determine a Steroid’s clinical application. In medical settings, compounds with a high Androgenic to Anabolic ratio are used for Androgen-Replacement Therapies; Hormone Replacement Therapy in adults, Androgen-Deficiency Therapy in teenagers, or masculinizing Transgender Hormone Therapy for women who identify as men.

Whereas Steroids with a high Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio are preferred in the treatment of Anemia, Osteoporosis, wasting diseases and to improve protein synthesis after trauma, surgery, or prolonged immobilization.

The established Anabolic to Androgenic Ratios were determined using the relative weight changes of the Ventral Prostate & Levator Ani Muscle in male rats. Weight changes in the Ventral Prostate indicate Androgenic effects, while weight changes in the Levator Ani Muscle indicate Anabolic effects. These changes were examined in castrated rats, using untreated rats as a baseline. The Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio of the Steroids compares the weight changes of the Ventral Prostate & Levator Ani Muscle to the weight changes induced by Testosterone. The Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio of Testosterone was established at 100 on both scales, assessing the difference between castrated & untreated rats. While the other AAS use Testosterone as a baseline to determine their individual Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio.

These ratios don’t indicate which unique characteristics each Steroid potentiates in the body. They are merely a measuring tool to determine the potency with regards to their Anabolic & Androgenic Effect. However, the ratios might help assess how many milligrams of a particular Steroid to use, when replacing one Steroid for another as part of PED Protocol adjustments.

Generally speaking, Anabolic effects refer to anabolism and Androgenic effect refer to virilization. Below is a list of common Anabolic effects which apply to most Steroids:

• increased stimulation of muscle cell formation (anabolism).
• increased protein synthesis from amino acids.
• increased Red Blood Cell (RBC) production.
• increased appetite.
• increased bone remodeling and growth, and stimulation of bone marrow.

On the opposite end, the Androgenic effects of Steroids are numerous and could be irreversible. Below is a list of common Androgenic effects which apply to most Steroids:

• male sex-characteristics in women.
• increased libido.
• increased vocal cord size.
• increased hair growth on the body.
• accelerated rate of hair loss from Androgenetic Alopecia.
• accelerated rate of Prostate Enlargement.
• suppression of HPTA, Neuro-Steroids & Sex-Hormones.
• impaired Semen production.
• testicular atrophy.

The complete list of Anabolic to Androgenic Ratios becomes increasingly difficult to find with Google due to its search-engine restrictions for Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) as well as recreational drugs. Below you can find the full list of Steroids and their Anabolic to Androgenic Ratio:

Injectable Compounds

• Boldenone (Equipoise / EQ): Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 50
• Clostebol (Megagrisevit-Mono): Anabolic; 46 – Androgenic; 25
• DiHydroTestosterone (DHT, Andractim): Anabolic; 60-220 – Androgenic; 30-260
• Drostanolone (Masteron): Anabolic; 62-130 – Androgenic; 25-40
• Formebolone (Esiclene): no data available
• Methenolone (Primobolan): Anabolic; 88 – Androgenic; 44-57
• MethylNorTestosterone (MENT, Trestolone): Anabolic; 2,300 – Androgenic; 650
• Nandrolone (NPP, Deca-Durabolin): Anabolic; 125 – Androgenic; 37
• Oxabolone (Steranabol Ritardo): Anabolic; 50-90 – Androgenic; 20-60
• Stanozolol (Injectable Winstrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 30
• Stenbolone (Anatrofin): Anabolic; 267-332 – Androgenic; 107-144
• Testosterone: Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 100
• Trenbolone (Parabolan): Anabolic; 500 – Androgenic; 500

Oral Compounds

• 1-Testosterone: Anabolic; 200 – Androgenic; 100
• 4-HydroxyTestosterone: Anabolic; 65 – Androgenic; 25
• 7-KetoDHEA: no data available, classified as a Metabolic Prohormone.
• Androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione (ATD, Arimistane): no data available, Boldenone Metabolite, classified as a Suicide Aromatase Inhibitor.
• Bolasterone (Myagen): Anabolic; 575 – Androgenic; 300
• ChloroDehydroMethylTestosterone (CDMT, Turinabol): Anabolic; 100+ – Androgenic; None
• Danazol (Danocrine): Anabolic; 125 – Androgenic; 37
• DeHydroEpiAndrosterone (DHEA): no data available, classified as a Neuro-Steroid.
• DiMethylTrienolone (DMT): Anabolic; 10,000+ – Androgenic; 10,000+
• DesoxyMethylTestosterone (DMT, Madol): Anabolic; 1,200 – Androgenic; 187
• Havoc: Anabolic; 1200 – Androgenic; 91
• EthylEstrenol (Orabolin): Anabolic; 00-400 – Androgenic; 20-400
• ErgoMax LMG Phera-Plex: Anabolic; 1,200 – Androgenic; 187
• Exemestane (Aromasin): no data available, classified as a Suicide Aromatase Inhibitor.
• FluoxyMesterone (Halotestin): Anabolic; 1,900 – Androgenic; 850
• Furazabol (Miotolan): Anabolic; 270-330 – Androgenic; 73-94
• Halodrol: Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 0
• Mestanolone: Anabolic; 107 – Androgenic; 78-254
• Mesterolone (Proviron): Anabolic; 100-150 – Androgenic; 30-40
• Methyl-1-Testosterone (M1T): Anabolic; 910-1,600 – Androgenic; 100-220
• MethylAndrostenediol (Methandriol): Anabolic; 20-60 – Androgenic; 30-60
• MethylDienolone: Anabolic; 1,000 – Androgenic; 200-300
• MethylDrostanolone (Superdrol): Anabolic; 400 – Androgenic; 20
• MethylHydroxyNandrolone (MHN): Anabolic; 1304 – Androgenic; 281
• MethylTestosterone: Anabolic; 115-150 – Androgenic; 94-130
• MethylTrienolone (Metribolone): Anabolic; 12,000-30,000 – Androgenic; 6,000-7,000
• Metandienone / MethanDrostenolone (Dianabol): Anabolic; 90-210 – Androgenic; 40-60
• Mibolerone (Cheque Drops): Anabolic; 4,100 – Androgenic; 1,800
• NorBolethone (Genabol): Anabolic; 350 – Androgenic; 17
• NorEthandrolone (Nilevar): Anabolic; 100-200 – Androgenic; 22-55
• NorMethandrolone (Orgasteron): Anabolic; 110-125 – Androgenic; 325-580
• Oxandrolone (Anavar): Anabolic; 322-630 – Androgenic; 24
• Oxymesterone (Oranabol): Anabolic; 330 – Androgenic; 50
• Oxymetholone (Anadrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 45
• Pregnenolone: no data available, classified as a Neuro-Steroid.
• Pro-Stanazolol: Anabolic; 80 – Androgenic; 7
• Spironolactone (Aldactone): no data available, classified as an Anti-Androgen.
• Stanozolol (Oral Winstrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 30
• TetraHydroGestrinone (THG, The Clear): no data available
• Thiomesterone (Protabol): Anabolic; 456 – Androgenic; 61
• Quinbolone (Anabolicum Vister): Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 50
Damn, sounds like some of these should be alot more common than the regular orals out there if they have the affects that the chart shows.
DesoxyMethylTestosterone (DMT, Madol):Anabolic; 1,200 – Androgenic; 187

If someone would carry this I would buy their whole inventory. Not even joking..
DesoxyMethylTestosterone (DMT, Madol):Anabolic; 1,200 – Androgenic; 187

If someone would carry this I would buy their whole inventory. Not even joking..
EmanEven the bolasterone sounds awesome.
ErgoMax LMG Phera-Plex: Anabolic; 1,200 – Androgenic; 187

This is wrong though two different compounds not sure why they put them together. Both were amazing though take either of anadrol or dbol anyday.
paper doesnt always equate to reality
havoc lol. i think they mean epistane

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