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Was looking for a profile of this compound maybe I over looked it. Active life have life best time to lift after dosing when it peaks etc...I've read up on it before just wanna hear what u guys say. I've always had good luck with dosing orals round the clock on a timed schedule. Like my tbol dosing was every 8 hrs 20/20/10 with the last 10mg dose before bed and a good solid meal with some cottage cheese and a complex carb vitamins etc..I would have a high protien snack and another complex carb source premade in the fridge set an alarm for 4hrs into sleep wake up take a piss eat my snack down a shake vack to bed in ten mins. Point being with the oral being in your system while your sleeping your body digests that first meal with 3-4 hrs so to keep yourself growing as we recover when we sleep and to help the oral do their magic that extra snack helped me take my training to a better level. I've done this with tbol and winny but not dbol or adrol. But am considering dosing adrol at night this ccycle. Doing 25/25 adrol dbol think ima switch it to daytime dbol 10/10/10 adrol 25mg bedtime same as above. What u guys think srry if I rambled a bit 😀
Im horrible with dosing schedules I always just take my dose all at once. Its my first time right now using dbol ed its going good but I honestly loved anadrol way more. I felt like I could lift anything on that shit 100mg even 150mg pw.
Think my adrol dose is to low or should I run one or the other not both ?
Im sure you can run both I know guys that do it. Im sure you'll be good you look lean me id blow up into a balloon. I think I used tne/dbol inject while I used drol just made me real strong I was on npp too
Yea I like to spread out every 8 hours. I've never ran both together but have read a write up about it saying that u can run lower doses of each together and they are very synergistic. I don't know if this is true or not. I like anadrol over Dbol as well. But I do blow the F up on Dbol just breaks me out

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