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Not sure if we have any Lady members here but this is a great reference....

Let’s start this article off by saying Anavar is probably the most popular steroid for women.
Those female fitness models and bikini competitors you have been watching getting ready for a show? Anavar.
Wondering how they are able to get such conditioning, size, and strength? Anavar.

Even though a lot of them claim it is just hard work and that they are completely natural. Why would they admit to using steroids?
A lot of them are dependant on sponsorships and what not. Do you think these companies want to be associated with a steroid user?
Unfortunately, this is the ugly truth. In this article, we will be going over everything you need to know about Anavar for women.
Before turning to steroids, we advise women to use Laxogenin, a natural plant anabolic. We recommend using Annihilate by Huge Nutrition for 8 weeks to pack on lean muscle mass.

Since it has anabolic properties and no side effects, we’ve seen some users gain up to 8lbs during a 6 week cycle. Those are very similiar results to AAS.
Check out the official Annihilate product page and consider starting a cycle with this product.
The reason why Anavar is the to-go steroid for women is that it is very mild. Anavar has an anabolic: androgenic ratio of 45:320, making it one of the lowest ratings of all steroids available.
Steroid Profile
Recommended Dosage For WomenHalf-life
Anavar (Oxandrolone)
5 to 20mg per day10 Hours
Now you are probably asking yourself, what has the anabolic: androgenic ratio have to do with this? Well, the higher the anabolic: androgenic ratio, the higher the chance of virilization.
Virizilization is the process when a female starts to develop characteristics associated with male hormones.
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Body hair growth
  • Deep vocals
  • Facial structure changes
Of course, you want to avoid this at all costs. That is why you take a low dosage such as 5 or 10mg of Anavar per day. By increasing the dosage you will also increase the risk of virilization.
This is why most females stay away from other steroids with a high anabolic to androgenic ratio. They will have a much larger impact than Anavar will.
When using Anavar as a woman, the chance of virilization is quite low. Please keep in mind that it is heavily dosage dependant.
To get similar results to Anavar, we advise using the natural plant anabolic Annihilate. We’ve seen women gain 6-8lbs of lean muscle mass within 6 weeks.
It has no side effects and will help you reach your goals faster.
Anavar is a great overall compound. It is known for taking conditioning to the next level, which is why it is often used during contest preps.
You can surely expect Anavar to harden the muscle and increase lean muscle mass. It’s basically a weaker version of Winstrol.

Besides changes in conditioning and muscle mass, it will also increase strength significantly. Anavar won’t make you hold any water at all and is also great for preserving muscle during caloric deficits.
Anavar also does not aromatize, making it very appealing to use. Besides that, Anavar is also much less hepatoxic than other oral steroids.
Another benefit of Anavar is that it doesn’t require injections, you can just take tablets.
Anavar also has shown to enhance healing abilities.
If you aren’t ready to use Anavar yet, make sure to check out our bodybuilding supplements that work like steroids.
The optimal Anavar dosage for women is roughly 5 to 20mgs of Anavar a day. It is recommended that you do not exceed 15-20mgs – higher dosages will result in a higher chance of virilization.
If you have never used Anavar before, start out with a small dosage of 5mg a day. By doing so you can see how your body reacts to the compound. From there on you can always gradually build the dose.
Anavar can kick in quite fast and you will be seeing results in no time. A typical Anavar cycle for women is roughly 4 to 6 weeks.
You might even see women who take up to 20mg of Anavar a day, this is pretty high and will most likely result in serious side effects.
The Anavar dosage for women should be split up due to its 10-hour half-life. Take half in the morning, and the rest 9 hours later.
Make sure to listen to your body. Don’t increase the dosage if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.
Anavar cycles for women usually last around 4-6 weeks. Some women might even extend the cycle to 8 weeks depending on how they feel.
It is advised to take between 5-20mg of Anavar a day. This is the optimal Anavar cycle for women, it is very mild and gives great results.
If you experience any adverse side effects during your cycle it is recommended that you either lower the dosage or stop taking the compound altogether.
Once you have finished your Anavar cycle, make sure to wait at least 6 weeks before starting the next one. This is very important, you want your body to fully recover after a cycle.

Always make sure to plan out your Anavar cycle in advance. Do as much research as you possibly can on Anavar.

A lot of women aren’t ready to start using Anavar. It’s a real commitment and you can have serious side effects if you don’t follow the guidelines.
If you don’t feel comfortable with the idea of taking this compound, don’t do it.
There are plenty of other alternatives out there that can help with building lean muscle.
Lately, a lot of female competitors I know have started using SARMs such as Ostarine. Supposedly it has fewer side effects and the muscle gains are very comparable to those of Anavar.
But, you could check out the natural plant anabolic by Huge Nutrition. The product is called Annihilate and contains 200mg of 5-Alpha hydroxy laxogenin per serving.
When you take it for 6 to 8 weeks, you’ll be able to get very similiar results to Anavar. It’s also a natural compound and will only have very little to no side effects.
It can be used for both cutting (preserving muscle) and bulking (adding muscle mass). We found that it is definitely one of the most potent natural muscle building supplements out there.


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That’s a good read with lots of good information for lady’s getting into the game!!!

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