The problem Imo is with any oral steroids that are actually effective, they are extremely liver toxic and do the same things as injectables just add the toxicity and more side effects. Unless preparing for contest or something like that not sure why average gym rat would even use orals as they mostly don't produce lasting results. Most steroids pretty much have same benefits more or less, increase protein synthesis, igf level, lower shbg, etc so why take an oral that will do the same but add all that toxicity? Superdrol doesn't do anything different then many other injectables but is far more toxic then any for example. Superdrol doesn't have one benefit that can't be found in a injectable. M1t sure it's strong but how long can you use it and what will it do to your liver even with protection. And prohormone makes it even worse as its only a precursor to a hormone...even less effective potentially. I don't think any of the top body builder In the world have ever used androstebol that's all I gotta say. Lol