

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Anybody got any? Leg is swelling and can't fucking walk! Don't feel like spending $150 to get bitched at by the doc. I will though...

Just a link, know nothing about them
idk if antibiotics is going to do anything for just swelling and also depending on where it is tbonexl lol. Fill us in more if your gunna ask for something like this, is it your leg, your stomach, where is the swelling occurring? Did you hurt yourself, are you feeling sick? I got a few but i'm not gunna just send you some random stuff without knowing wut it could be from ha
It's my leg. Pinned it Saturday and kept getting worse. Pinned my other leg yesterday now its getting sore.

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tbonexl said:
It's my leg. Pinned it Saturday and kept getting worse. Pinned my other leg yesterday now its getting sore.
Did you happen to pin the top of your thigh? Could have missed the muscle, so you'll get fluid build up. Could be sterile issues as well, but you'd probably have a fever and would start to get more of a welt if it was from a possible infection.
I'm not sure what's going on. Been pinning tren every day and prop every other day for over a month now. No issues, no pip hardly. Do the same shit all the time. Sunday, my left quad was a lil sore but yesterday and today can't even walk! Pinned my right leg yesterday, and its starting to hurt now too. Same bottle prop, just cracked open a new tren Friday. My delt was a lil sore from Friday but it went away. Never had an issue with tren. I'm only pinning half cc prop. I don't get it. Can't tell the chic anything cuz we just got back together!
I believe I got quite a bit laying around.... I have lyme disease so am prescribed antibiotics up the ass, If you need some lmk
tbonexl said:
It's my leg. Pinned it Saturday and kept getting worse. Pinned my other leg yesterday now its getting sore.
Looks like cellulitis. If your body if able to fight it off on its own, you may not see improvement after a few days. If you get a fever or if it keeps spreading beyond a few days, go get it checked out.

Here's a link to antibiotic treatment.

Since time is not on your side, you may want to check out/call a local pet store or look at a pet store online and see if they carry any of these. Its for animals or fish, but you can use it if it contains only the antibiotic.
d3r3k said:
I believe I got quite a bit laying around.... I have lyme disease so am prescribed antibiotics up the ass, If you need some lmk
Definitely need something! Pm me what u got. Thanks
That's pretty bad tell them you pinned b12 it's what I've done. My rave the red area if it's bigger get to dr and get it fixed.
Hard to say if its infected i was limping a few days i always fuck up on the left quad. it was super swollen red hurt like a bitch even to sleep went away after about 5 days. I been hearing from alot of guys that they use fish antibiotics, its supposed to be the same shit. Or just about any canadian pharmacy is usually g2g
I think I'm just going to go to the docs today. I hate going there cuz they're assholes. I told them a few years ago that I shot b12 and got infected in my shoulder. He's like your pretty muscular for using b12 shots. Plus it costs so much just to go in. Damn insurance...
I have amoxicillin and minocycline, would either of those do tbone any good? I once shot in my ass cheek and it left a baseball sized lump in my ass, and it was red and warm. Was told it was cellulitis infection, i think i just had a bad reaction to the kind of carrier oil. I skipped out on the antibiotics and just repeatedly used heat pad and ice and it eventually went away.
I looked up the antibiotics u have but couldn't find anything definitive. It still hurts like hell and my other leg is getting sore now too. Probably better off going to the doc to get it cleared up. The 85 year old guy that lives down stairs walks better than I do atm.

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