Anyone else have emotional issues on test alone?


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I only ran tren twice(probably 10 years ago now) bcuz it really screwed my head up, but never really noticed a problem on test.

But I'm on trt 500mg/week for about 14 weeks now, and this past month has been an emotional rollercoaster.
A couple of highs, but mostly lows.
I'm taking 25mg aromasin, two or maybe 3 times per week.
It keeps the nips in check just fine, but could this still be an estro issue?

This IS the longest I've ever ran without coming off for at least a couple of months,
so I wasn't sure if that has something to do with it or not.

Has anyone else experienced this with test only?
zombieslayer said:
I only ran tren twice(probably 10 years ago now) bcuz it really screwed my head up, but never really noticed a problem on test.

But I'm on trt 500mg/week for about 14 weeks now, and this past month has been an emotional rollercoaster.
A couple of highs, but mostly lows.
I'm taking 25mg aromasin, two or maybe 3 times per week.
It keeps the nips in check just fine, but could this still be an estro issue?

This IS the longest I've ever ran without coming off for at least a couple of months,
so I wasn't sure if that has something to do with it or not.

Has anyone else experienced this with test only?
zombieslayerFirst off 500mg a week isnt trt for anyone. But 2nd I would get a blood tesr and check all your levels. Thyroid, test, estrogen, adrenal function.... no telling what it is or if it's even anything.. asking that question is so specific if someone was to give you a 100% sure answer without knowing these things i would go so far as to call it poor advice. IF IN DOUBT GET CHECKED OUT! come back with some results then lets talk.

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
zombieslayer said:
I only ran tren twice(probably 10 years ago now) bcuz it really screwed my head up, but never really noticed a problem on test.

But I'm on trt 500mg/week for about 14 weeks now, and this past month has been an emotional rollercoaster.
A couple of highs, but mostly lows.
I'm taking 25mg aromasin, two or maybe 3 times per week.
It keeps the nips in check just fine, but could this still be an estro issue?

This IS the longest I've ever ran without coming off for at least a couple of months,
so I wasn't sure if that has something to do with it or not.

Has anyone else experienced this with test only?
zombieslayerFirst off 500mg a week isnt trt for anyone. But 2nd I would get a blood tesr and check all your levels. Thyroid, test, estrogen, adrenal function.... no telling what it is or if it's even anything.. asking that question is so specific if someone was to give you a 100% sure answer without knowing these things i would go so far as to call it poor advice. IF IN DOUBT GET CHECKED OUT! come back with some results then lets talk.

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
My guess is its estrogen related. Dose the aromasin everyday. The half life is 24 hours. That may help. I've been using 12.5 mg ED.

Formerly known as rippedgolfer. Time for a new beginning and to move on to bigger and better things.
I've had issues on both sides of estrogen. You may have it to low
homegrown's right... could be a lot of things, probably need to get check..

aromasin does need to be dosed daily i think, I use 12.5 everyday on about 250 test a week.... and 500mg a week is a straight up cycle
homegrown said:
First off 500mg a week isnt trt for anyone. But 2nd I would get a blood tesr and check all your levels. Thyroid, test, estrogen, adrenal function.... no telling what it is or if it's even anything.. asking that question is so specific if someone was to give you a 100% sure answer without knowing these things i would go so far as to call it poor advice. IF IN DOUBT GET CHECKED OUT! come back with some results then lets talk.

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
Well I beg to differ on the TRT. My TRT script is for 500mg/wk however, I'm special.

Like HG said, sounds like you need to get bloodwork done and we can better assess the situation. In the TRT section there is a thread with an updated code for 15% labwork through
Do you have a TRT script from a GP or Endo or are you getting your stuff from online HRT clinics??
krustus said:
aromasin does need to be dosed daily i think, I use 12.5 everyday on about 250 test a week.... and 500mg a week is a straight up cycle
krustusSi senor.... 12.5mg... plus some others things too...
Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
never have emotional issues on test alone, but I have had noticeable anger issues taking tren and halo together... I'd get the blood work done privately (as recommended by others) and take it from there... just make sure your anti-E are good to go, too much garbage out there...
Zombieslayer, I get emotional about just about everything these days. 40 years old with 3 sweet kids and man stuff just gets me like it never used to. I've never really attributed it to my AAS use. Sometimes life changes happen that make us more sensitive to things we used to ignore. I'm not saying don't go get checked, but just giving you my 2 bits on it.
The only compound that fucks me up is Tren. Tren made me go crazy!!! I was freaking the fuck out! I guess i dont mix to well with Tren. I seriously felt like i belonged in a Nut house when i was on Tren. But Test, NPP, Deca no problems.
Im still fairly new in the aas game but i havnt had any problems with test alone actually seems to make me lazy. Tren on the other hand during my last run made me an emotional nut but damn i love it i believe i was just running to much
Blood work is a very important tool when using AAS. Remember that

Food and water next 2 best things. This old mans opinion anyway.

Forgot one. A very cool Dr that you can talk to
Thanks all my Bros.

I don't normally have a grim outlook on things, I'm pretty much an optimist about everything.
But the past 2-3weeks I'm really struggling with depression, anger, paranoia.
Wonderful wife and kids but I think work is getting to me.

Didn't know if it could be the test.

Think I just monitor the aromasin/estro and come of for a couple of months and try to re-boot.

Thanks again my Bros!!!
Bro, I'm an emotional mess w what I take !!! Ask any of my bros up here. I'm on a medley of gear at one time and my mood swings like a 70's porno flick !!! I have learned how to control, or just move thru them. It's def not easy !!! I'll be an ashole to everybody one day and a complete gentleman ( well maybe not gentleman ) to people the next. I've learned it comes w the territory. Ur pumpin excess hormones in ur body that shouldn't be there, it's gonna be a roller coaster . Ull be good !!!
Torres said:
Bro, I'm an emotional mess w what I take !!! Ask any of my bros up here. I'm on a medley of gear at one time and my mood swings like a 70's porno flick !!! I have learned how to control, or just move thru them. It's def not easy !!! I'll be an ashole to everybody one day and a complete gentleman ( well maybe not gentleman ) to people the next. I've learned it comes w the territory. Ur pumpin excess hormones in ur body that shouldn't be there, it's gonna be a roller coaster . Ull be good !!!


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